My favorite radio program has a new design for their website. Check it out HERE . They (particularly Dr. Horton) are also responsible for my favorite magazine, Modern Reformation . Do yourself a favor and subscribe.
A Praying Life by Paul Miller is an outstanding new book. Instead of writing my own review I will show you what Sean Lucas over at Ref21 has written: One of the best books that I've read recently is Paul Miller's A Praying Life . I had quoted from it a few days ago, but that does not sum up the...
One of the concerns that have been expressed by those of us opposed to abortion is whether or not abortions would be funded under government provided health care coverage. This of course would mean that tax payers would be forced to pay for abortions. From the Associated Press: WASHINGTON (AP) -...
As I mentioned in a previous post the good folks at Westminster Bookstore were kind enough to give me a copy of When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert. I have read it and can say with confidence that it is the best book on giving meaningful help to the impoverished that I have ever...
Bob Dylan likes to surprise. Now he is doing so by recording his first Christmas album. Here's the story: Prominent media expert and best-selling author Michael Levine said the move by Dylan was "completely consistent with his longstanding tradition of doing the unexpected. Concerning Bob Dylan...
From Ligonier Ministries : Is God concerned with the material well-being of Christians? When did God decide to give us eternal life? How are we to keep the Sabbath in today's society? Does the Bible tell us what heaven will be like? How can we as Christians ascertain when God's Word was applicable...
I have been preaching through Hebrews which makes frequent use of the Old Testament. Some critical scholars both past and present quite confidently declare that the writer of Hebrews, along with other New Testament writers, simply misuses and misinterprets the Old Testament. But I find this...
"Four Favorites on the Doctrine of Scripture" by John Frame 1. B. B. Warfield, The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible (new edition: Kessinger Publishing, 2008). Virtually the same as Revelation and Inspiration (Baker, 2000). These essays are the most influential in forming the evangelical and...
Today's message was part 12 in our series through Hebrews - "Consider the Power of God's Word" (Heb. 4:12-13). You can listen to or download it HERE .
Check it out HERE .