Michael Horton's follow-up to his excellent "Christless Christianity" is now available. "The Gospel-Driven Life" promises to be an important book. From the Publisher: In his well-received Christless Christianity Michael Horton offered a prophetic wake-up call for a self-centered American church...
In an excellent article Russell Moore addresses the controversy over former presidential candidate John Edwards and his paternity troubles. Far from sensationalistic Moore uses the occassion to reflect both on the significance of paternity and the mission of the church. Edwards risked more than his...
Tremper Longman, whose work I truly appreciate, has recently stated that the Genesis account does not insist on believing that Adam was an historical person. My conviction is that Scripture clearly teaches the historicity of Adam. James Anderson has posted an excellent response to Dr. Longman by...
Sunday's Sermon was part 18 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Persevering to the End" (pt. 2) and the passage was Hebrews 6:4-12. You can listen to or download it HERE .
From Jonathan Leeman over at Church Matters : "Mistakes Pastors Make When Practicing Church Discipline" 1. They fail to teach their congregation what church discipline is and why to practice it. 2. They fail to teach about and practice meaningful membership. This involves cultivating a culture of...
Look around the typical large or mega-church and try to find the children. Increasingly, they are disappearing from the church's corporate worship. I know why we do it: Kids can be noisy. Parents need a break. Kids won't really learn anything in "big church." Ironically, the third reason which is...
It seems that in every election cycle those of us who will not, indeed cannot vote for a pro-abortion rights candidate are chastised as being myopic, too narrow, single-issue voters. Of course, everyone has a single issue over which they will separate from a candidate but that is another post...
Few writers, if any, have had as profound an impact on my thinking as J.I. Packer. He has been and continues to be a blessed gift to the church of Jesus Christ. Books such as Knowing God , Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God , The Quest for Godliness , Fundamentalism and the Word of God , and...
“I formulate the Gospel this way: it is information issuing in invitation; it is proclamation issuing in persuasion. It is an admonitory message embracing five themes. First, God: the God whom Paul proclaimed to the Athenians in Acts 17, the God of Christian theism. Second, humankind: made in God’s...
In light of my last two sermons based on Hebrews 6:4-12 I thought I would follow up with some links to helpful resources on the doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints. See this catalogue of biblical texts compiled by Nathan Pitchford. Three helpful studies by Sam Storms Here , Here , and Here . "...