Burke Parsons over at Ligonier has posted a four part interview with Michael Horton. Check it out HERE . In a word, what encourages you most about what you see in the church today? The godly lust of many young people for God's grace and glory. In one sentence, what does it mean to glorify God and...
“…Without this transcendent Word in its life, the church has no rudder, no compass, no provisions. Without the Word, it has no capacity to stand outside its culture, to detect and wretch itself free from the seductions of modernity. Without the Word, the church has no meaning. It may seek...
Al Mohler has commented on a recent decision by Dr. Fancis Collins concerning the use of human embryos in scientific research. The defense of human dignity is the responsibility of all human beings, but certain individuals bear a special responsibility due to position or influence. This is...
From Justin Buzzard's interview with D.A. Carson: 1. In a paragraph, what does it mean to be gospel-centered in one’s Christian life? Some think of the gospel as so slender it does nothing more than get us into the kingdom. After that the real work of transformation begins. But a biblically-...
I am a strong proponent of adventure stories. They can teach such virtues as sacrifice, courage, honor, and perseverance. Fortunately, the history of God's people is full of genuine adventure. A new book by Linda Finlayson is just the type of book I like my boys to read. "There is an odd notion...
The late (d. 1995) great Greg Bahnsen. Dr. Bahnsen may well have been the greatest apologist of our generation. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
World Magazine's (one of my favorite mags) Daniel of the Year is Dr. Stephen Meyer. Dr. Meyer is the director of the Discovery Institute's Center of Science and Culture and author of the must read Signature in the Cell . From his office Meyer has ventured forth to debate at least nine prominent...
Sundays' sermon was part 25 in our series through Hebrews. You can listen to or download "The Sufficiency of Christ" (Heb 9:23-28) HERE .
I have had the good experience of hanging out with Steve Nichols over lunch. He is one of my favorite people to read. Dr. Nichols is a church historian who knows how to write church history. There is not a single one of his books that I do not highly recommend. One of my top choices for reads for...