The latest issue of Themelios has been released. 1.D.A. Carson Editorial 2.Carl Trueman Minority Report: Lest We Forget 3.Wayne Grudem The Perspicuity of Scripture 4.Dane C. Ortlund Christocentrism: An Asymmetrical Trinitarianism? 5.David VanDrunen Bearing Sword in the State, Turning Cheek in the...
The Bible is not locked away in esoteric mystery as theological liberals or postmoderns would have us believe. God gave us His Word (yes, I believe it is HIS Word) not to confuse or confound us but to reveal Himself to us. Belief in the clarity or perspicuity of Scripture is often miscast by the...
Good stuff from Carl Trueman... It is all too easy for the theological student to end up remembering God as an object of knowledge; it is quite another thing to remember him as the all-surpassing subject of existence. This is why church is vitally important. OK, long-standing readers of Themelios...
It is my wife's birthday. To celebrate the day, a friend from church took her out to eat and do a little shopping. What struck me as a particularly good gift was the prayer journal that she presented to my wife. It was the prayer journal this lady began keeping in the days prior to the church's...
Tim Challies has given an enthusiastic recommendation to Who Made God? by scholar Edgar Andrews. Why should the Devil get all the good scientists? It sometimes seems that way, doesn’t it? We hear of scientists like Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins and others who are acclaimed as being at the top...
There are few writers I enjoy reading as much as Cormac McCarthy. I began reading McCarthy when I picked up a copy of Blood Meridian a year or so after I graduated from University. I was hooked. McCarthy was interviewed recently by the Wall Street Journal about his writing, God, movies, and the end...
In the latest issue of Themelios, Darrel Bock reviews Bart Ehrman's latest attack on the Bible, Jesus, Interrupted . Bart Ehrman’s Jesus, Interrupted by his own admission says nothing new. It packages what scholars have been saying about issues in the Bible in a very public way for two decades. As...
David Mathis has written a clear and, in my mind, accurate assessment of N.T. Wright's "Justification." More than a review of Wright's latest book, Mathis offers a critique of Wright's tendency toward a less than careful exegesis of the biblical text as well as a frustrating avoidance to truly...
Keith Mathison from Ligonier Ministries has recommended 13 books on the doctrine of God. Check out the list HERE . I would add to that excellent list a few titles that are a bit more accessable to the lay person: Knowing God by J.I. Packer Behold Your God by Donald MacLeod The Message of the Living...