This Sunday I am preaching on the doctrine of adoption from Romans 8. With that in mind I thought I would post some thoughts from the good Reverend Spurgeon on adoption from Galatians 4:6. Now, also, saith the apostle, we are heirs—"Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son,...
In 2008 Westminster Seminary crafted an excellent statement of "Affirmations and Denials" regarding the Scriptures. I encourage you to take time to read it. Denominations, Presbyteries, and individual congregations would do well to consider adopting WTS's "Affirmations and Denials" for their own...
Today is B.B. Warfield's birthday. Warfield, known as "the Lion of Princeton" represented the best of robust, reformed theological thinking. Thanks to Justin Taylor for asking Fred Zaspel to write an essay in honor of Warfield. "...Warfield’s heart beat hot for Christ. His passion for Christ and...
I can identify with the title of Jared Wilson's latest post over at First Things : "Six Flags Over Jesus." As a born and bred Texan I am well familiar with that statement. In Texas, your church is big or it ain't nothin! Okay, so I may be exagerating a little; but only a little. If you think you've...
So, I moved to Pennsylvania with my family exactly one year ago yesterday to be the Lead Pastor/Teacher of Church of the Saviour. It so happens that this week has been very long and very taxing so I have not had nearly enough time to reflect on the last year. However, as I sit here to finally give...
Readers of this blog know that I am a fan of Dr. Stephen Nichols' work. He is an outstanding church historian, writer, and lecturer. He is a Professor at Lancaster Bible College. Lord willing Steve and Carl Trueman will be joining us at Church of the Saviour next year for a special event. The...
From Al Mohler: The decline of church discipline is perhaps the most visible failure of the contemporary church. No longer concerned with maintaining purity of confession or lifestyle, the contemporary church sees itself as a voluntary association of autonomous members, with minimal moral...
Collision is now available for purchase at Westminster Bookstore. You can also watch the Hitchens/Wilson debate that took place at Westminster Seminary HERE .
"Missional" is a word that has come along in recent years with great excitement in many cases. Pastors, churches, and even seminaries have been bold to proclaim themselves "missional." The problem is that it is a frustratingly slippery word. Brian MacLaren defines it one way and Mark Driscoll...
It is remarkable to see all the handwringing in the press over what could possibly have been the motive behind the murders at Fort Hood perpetrated by a fundamentalist Muslim. Do we truly have to wonder at the motive? Truly? Have we learned nothing? Apparently not. Our political leaders were quick...