From Reformed Forum : Christ the Center had the pleasure of interviewing Ted Kluck, author and athlete, about his recent publication, Why We Love the Church: In Praise of Institutions and Organized Religion , co-authored with Kevin DeYoung and published by Moody Press. We discussed the recent wave...
Chai Feldblum enjoys the sound of her own voice as she waxes on about moral values... http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=GdSU6U8zSU&c1=0xACACAC&c2=0x373737&a=0&sm=0...
This week's message was part 26 in our series through Hebrews - "A Sacrifice Like No Other" (Hebrews 10:1-18). You can listen to or download the sermon HERE .
There is spiritual danger in Paganism, and as Origen stated (and recently quoted by Pope Benedict) Paganism is defined by “Lacking feeling and reason, they are transformed into stones and wood.” In other words, Paganism flattens our perception, makes all experience virtual, dumbing down our senses...
From Marvin Olasky of World Magazine : A Gallup poll in 1972 showed 66 percent of Americans opposing abortion legalization. That year Detroit newspapers heavily supported a Michigan referendum to establish abortion on demand through the first five months of pregnancy, but 61 percent of Michigan...
From Al Mohler: Preaching has fallen on hard times. So suggests a report out of Durham University's College of Preachers. The British university's CODEC research center, which aims to explore "the interfaces between the Bible, the digital environment and contemporary culture," conducted the study...
From an interview with Greg Beale in Martin Downes' very helpful book Risking the Truth : Part 1: The Exegetical Foundations of Inerrancy Why do you believe the Bible, as originally given, is not only inspired but also inerrant? What are some of the principle exegetical foundations of inerrancy? As...
"To me, God is..." "God told me..." "What does this verse mean to you?" "I'm into God not doctrine." "God speaks to me through the mountains." In a day when the evangelical church is saturated with intuitive, mystical, and otherwise breezy approaches to spirituality the need for a robust doctrine...
Once again the seemingly ever present Brian McLaren is poised to present something as new which is actually just a retread of ideas that tend to cling to the outer banks of Christianity like so much flotsam . To be a Christian – in the West, at least, since the fifth or sixth century or so – has...
John Ensor is a great leader in the pro-life movement and author of one of my "must reads" - The Great Work of the Gospel