"Evangelical Christianity...is now tragically below the New Testament standard. Worldliness is now an accepted part of our way of life. Our religious mood is social rather than spiritual. We have lost the art of worship. We are not producing saints. Our models are successful businessmen, celebrated...
From an article by Uwe Siemon–Netto that ran originally in First Things : Twenty–five years ago when there was still a Communist East Germany, I interviewed several boys from Leipzig’s Thomanerchor, the choir once led by Johann Sebastian Bach. Many of those children came from atheistic homes. “Is...
Well, it's pretty late in coming but the former president offered an apology of sorts to the Jewish community for statements he has made. Of course, what Mr. Carter does not seem to recognize is the genuine harm many of his comments and symbolic actions have actually caused. Brad Hirschfield writes...
We live in a day of doctrinal compromise. Voices within evangelicalism tell us not to "split hairs" over doctrine. I recently read a brief article by a seminary president which asserts that Christians are dividing far too often over matters that are not essential. But this is not what I conclude as...
HT: Justin Taylor
Modern evangelicals are an experiential lot. We promise a "personal relationship with God" but don't do a very good job of explaining exactly what that means. In fact almost everything in the neo-evangelical cafeteria of spirituality seems to be tagged as "personal." What is demanded is a spiritual...
Oliver Stone is at it again. He has already manufactured an historical fantasy regarding the assassination of JFK. He has cast two serial murderers as sympathetic figures. He has villainized George W. Bush. This time he is going to make a film that will correct other historical misconceptions we...
From Westminster Seminary : Change is inevitable. And when the unpredictability of tomorrow consumes our hearts, with insatiable tyranny, it devours any sense of stability, confidence, and peace. A violent and merciless master, change relentlessly erodes the very things to which we cling for...
Good stuff from Kevin DeYoung that echo my sentiments: I’d like to make a modest proposal for Christians of all theological and political persuasions: don’t use the term “social justice” without explanation. The term is unassailable to some and arouses suspicion in others. For many Christians,...
The Jan/Feb edition of the Nine Marks Journal is not online ( pdf ). The theme of this edition is "The Mindset of the New Evangelical Liberalism." This is a timely subject indeed. There are some outstanding articles here and I encourage you to take time to read and reflect. Michael Lawrence - How...