Carl Trueman's article in the latest Nine Marks Journal is well worth the read. We live in strange times. Hardly a year goes by without some conference on the future of the evangelical church somewhere having at least one speaker, or sometimes even a slate of speakers, who arguably represent...
It seems that Erwin Raphael McManus has added director of commercials to his uber-cool persona. McManus is the pastor (although he doesn't seem to like that title) of Mosaic, an uber-cool church in Los Angeles. McManus has produced and Mosaic is sponsoring a commercial in a Doritos contest. The...
As I have written many times before, abortion is not just one issue among many other equally important issues. It is a foundational ethical issue. To be "pro-choice" concerning abortion is to betray a fundamental flaw in one's moral reasoning. It is also to strip all meaning from the notion of...
Contemporary evangelicals don't do death well. After all, it's negative. And that seems to be the one great sin for contemporary Christians. And so evangelicalism has a host of euphamisms for such negative words as "sin," "wrath," and, the worst of all, "death." Craig Parton has a great article in...
As many of you already know Pat Robertson opened his mouth and more silliness fell out. Thankfully, Al Mohler has written a thoughtful and sober article on how to think biblically and mercifully about the earthquake in Haiti. God's rule over creation involves both direct and indirect acts, but his...
I was grateful to have Paul Tripp preach for me in the morning services last Sunday. I did however preach that evening at The Vine. The title of the message is "The Communion of Saints" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
The left wing actor Danny Glover has concluded that the earthquake in Haiti is the result of the failed climate summit in Copenhagen. “When we see what we did at the climate summit in Copenhagen, this is the response, this is what happens, you know what I’m sayin’?” Brilliant! Clearly, Mr. Glover...
Interestingly, some of the best theology in music that is Christian is coming from rap . Here is Shai Linne from Philadelphia (that's right!). Men like Shai Linne and Lecrae are doing some very good work. http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=8752241&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&...
J. Gresham Machen the founder of Westminster Seminary did not believe the state should run the church nor did he believe that the church should run the state. Machen, one of the greatest biblical scholars of the 20th century gave us some of the most scintillating thoughts on the role of the church...
If you would like to contribute to organizations that are helping those suffering in Haiti then check out the following links: Samaritan's Purse Baptist Haiti World Mission Mission to the World Food for the Hungry World Vision Cross World