Harold Camping would be easy to ignore. In fact it would be a virtue to ignore him. The problem is that Camping heads Family Radio which is broadcast around the world. The hyper-dispensationalism of Camping and others has been causing division and confusion in the church for years. Camping has been...
"If we take the principles of liberal individualism as axiomatic, we find it possible to think of the fetus and the woman as the parties of the first and second part arguing over their respective rights. We are then able to blind ourselves to the natural fact that they are related as mother and...
Good article from Peter Wehner at NRO concerning the vehement attacks launched against Brit Hume: The intensity of offense taken at what Hume said is itself revealing. Perhaps it can partly be chalked up to shock; maybe Shales and Hume’s other critics are genuinely surprised to learn that those who...
A Sweet & Bitter Providence Ruth: Under the Wings of God
"We must be knit together in this work as one man, we must entertain each other in brotherly affection..., we must uphold a familiar commerce together in all meekness, gentleness, patience and liberality, we must delight in each other, make others' conditions our own, rejoice together, mourn...
When you get a chance, check out the "devotional" tag on the right hand column of this blog. It includes devotions from Charles Spurgeon ( Here ), daily Bible reading from the ESV ( Here ), daily Bible readings and reflection from Ref21 ( Here ), and guidance in praying the Bible from Matthew Henry...
Christianity Today has posted an interview with Brit Hume: CT: In this discussion about Tiger Woods, it seems as though some are offended that you would say something about Christianity specifically. Hume: Instead of urging that Tiger Woods turn to Christianity, if I had said what heneeded to do...
The New York Times has interviewed Representative Bark Stupak (D-MI) who has taken a courageous stand against the abortion language in the current health care bill. As a result Mr. Stupak has been called "the most hated man in Washington." Mr. Stupak insists that the final bill include his terms,...
Check out this very clear discussion about Brit Hume's invitation to Tiger Woods to turn to Christianity from R. Scott Clark of Westminster Seminary California. Any thoughts?
Sad to say, Gary Lamb would probably say today (I hope) that his biggest regret is not something he didn't do.