It was common among the ancient Greeks to picture time as moving in a circular fashion. You will still find that same idea in our own day. We speak of “the life cycle” and history repeating itself. Belief in Karma and reincarnation portray time in repetitious cycles. As a recent study by the Pew...
In the last 20 years I have heard that statement more times than I can remember. Here are some observations to which anyone in pastoral ministry can relate.
Choking Hazard! Martin Downes discovers a relic of the wild and wacky world of American evangelicalism. An Insidious Agenda Denny Burk on radical environmentalism and the elimination of humanity Reassessing a Wicked Law The Washington Post on the consequences of China's one child policy Confusing...
Readers of this blog know that one of my favorite writers is Carl Trueman . He always makes me laugh and then he makes me think. His latest article posted at Ref21 caused me to look at myself in the proverbial mirror. When I think about what drives me I cannot help but be mindful of how incomplete...
I am so thankful this book has been reissued! I have the old edition and was not sure if there would be a reprinting. After all, holiness is not what most Christians are reading about these days. The banalities of Joel Osteen, the fanciful stories of Tim Lehaye, and the exotic spirituality of the...
According to a new study clergy approval ratings are at a 32 year low. The good news is that we are doing much better than politicians but that is not saying much. The study measures attitudes toward clergy ethics and the news is not comforting. Among Catholics, Protestants, and occasional church...
Village Church in Dallas, TX has released the news that their pastor, Matt Chandler, has a malignant brain tumor. So far in this process Matt has done a good job of suffering well before his congregation. Collin Hansen of Christianity Today reports on the story HERE . The latest report from the...
As someone who lives about an hour from the Jersey Shore I cringed when I saw that MTV was airing a new reality show entitled "Jersey Shore." If you take every stereo type of young New J ersy-ites whose names end with a vowel and magnify it about gazillion times then you get the idea. I must admit...
A fascinating article on those who come to church only during the holiday season: In Ohio, Hattie Gibson, 54, is defiant about only attending church twice-yearly and doesn't care who knows. "I'm a C&E Christian and I'm proud of it," she says. "Churches have been giving me the full-court press...
Westminster Seminary has posted 100 audio messages on the authority of Scripture. Check it out HERE .