http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=9495570&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=7c0025&fullscreen=1 no accident from Puritan Reformed on Vimeo ...
Martin Downes was recently interviewed on Issues Etc about dealing with heresy in the church. In an egalitarian age when all truth claims are leveled and a pragmatic age when all truth claims are reduced to what "works for you" the need for discernment is especially high. Check it out HERE .
Kevin DeYoung is posting a series of articles on the major biblical texts that shape the current debate about social justice. Because it is a very important matter I will be linking to each of Kevin's articles. It’s no secret that social justice is a hot topic in evangelicalism, a popular pursuit...
Great post from Tim Challies ... Aileen and I were once members of a church that, after a few years of existence, began to de-emphasize doctrine. Some of the pastors seemed to reach the conclusion that “doctrine divides” and that the church really just needed to focus on evangelism and on “action...
Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia April 30 - May 2, 2010 For many Christians, the last days refers to the short period of intense activity immediately prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But according to the apostles, the last days were...
A new resource from Ed Welch of CCEF: "When I Am Afraid" You know how anxiety and fear feels—your stomach drops, your neck tightens, your whole body tenses—but do you know what to do when anxiety fills your days and troubles your nights? You’ve probably already tried a few strategies, like denial...
For those of you who may be wondering why some of us make a big deal about Martyn Lloyd-Jones, the following video is a brief biography on "the Doctor." If you are interested in knowing more I highly recommend the two volume biography by Iain Murray (one of my favorite biographies): The First Forty...
Let's just admit it. It is not easy to read Jonathan Edwards. Every now and then we try having heard John Piper or others extol the virtues of reading Edwards. So we sit down with a copy of "The End for Which God Created the World" or we open up volume one of his collected works and after...
Dig Deeper: Tools for Understanding God's Word Product Description: When it comes to reading and understanding the Bible, a dangerous phrase is used by non-Christians and even some believers: "Well, that's your interpretation." It is true that without some care in your interpretation, you can "make...
Publisher's Description: In God's School (A L' Ecole de Dieu) is foundational Christian instruction. It follows the outline of John Calvin's Geneva Catechism along with the Heidelberg Catechism. According to the ancient practice of the church, In God's School instructs in doctrine, expounding the...