From Justin Taylor : A sobering stat from a university study: Researchers were conducting a study comparing the views of men in their 20s who had never been exposed to pornography with regular users. But their project stumbled at the first hurdle when they failed to find a single man who had not...
The debacle that is the Anglican Church in North America ought to remind us that we cannot make nice with apostasy. Those churches and denominations that were once evangelical but now have departed from biblical Christianity did not reach their sad end overnight. It begin with small compromises...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxvHa-m6yPI&hl=en_US&fs=1&]
As the following undercover video reveals, Planend Parenthood has nothing to do with women's "choice" or "reproductive health." They are a pro-abortion business. They grow and sustain their business on deception, lies, and bad science. At one point the abortionist tells the young woman that it's...
The phrase "Christless Christianity" sounds strange. How is it possible for Christianity to be Christless? It is actually quite common. Christless Christianity is preaching, evangelism, worship, or ministry that presents Jesus as anything other than the Christ. In Christless Christianity Jesus is...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNd_I_GHmtA&hl=en_US&fs=1&]
Al Mohler has commented on the Tiger Woods debacle. Among the many lessons that can be learned from the scandal Mohler points out three that deal specifically with whether or not Woods' serial adultery is a strictly private matter. 1) Acts done in private can and will have public consequences. 2)...
Check out the latest episode of the White Horse Inn . Secularists have argued for many years that religion is an entirely private matter that should not inform public life and policy decisions. But what about secularism itself? Is it really a neutral position itself? On this edition of the White...
USA Today reports on a study by the Pew Forum on the religious beliefs and practices of American evangelicals, mainline protestants, and Catholics. I can honestly say that I was not at all surprised by the survey's findings. Elements of Eastern faiths and New Age thinking have been widely adopted...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK2PX7hH6io&hl=en_US&fs=1&]