Last Sunday Church of the Saviour observed National Adoption Sunday. I chose to preach from Galatians 4 on the doctrine of adoption. You can listen to or download the sermon, "Adopted by the Father" HERE .
Perhaps the best way to approach this topic, if only briefly, is to ask and answer a series of five questions. First, why is church discipline so neglected, if not ignored altogether, in our day? Among the many reasons that could be cited, here are a few. Perhaps the principal cause is a pervasive...
Al Mohler addresses a very timely and surely controversial subject in his latest article. In the days since the shootings, the question of Muslims serving in the U.S. military has been unavoidable. In one sense, the question is hardly new. It arose in the first Gulf War when Muslims asked if it...
Portrait of a Struggle ( DVD / CD )
Periodically I am reminded of the fact that those of us who were raised in evangelical churches often have a woefully undeveloped ecclesiology (theology of the church). The vast majority of what I know about the church has been learned outside of the ecclesiastical milieu in which I was raised...
The following are some books that are helpful toward developing a better understanding of the church: Nine Marks of the Healthy Church by Mark Dever Twelve Challenges Churches Face by Mark Dever The Church by Edmund Clowney Life in the Father's House by Mack & Swavely Priorities for the Church...
"Religious tolerance is not always a sign of good will. It can be a sign of careless, perhaps hypocritical religious indifference of the most high-handed philosophic relativism. It can also be a mask behind which to hide down right malice. During the Nazi era, for example, arguments for Christian...
"An interloper who steals property must be caught and charged. Thinly disguised atheism and neopaganism are interlopers in liberated church circles. They have engaged in the theft of church property. The stolen property must be reclaimed and the thieves brought to justice. "To point this out means...
From An Earnest Call For Evangelical Leaders To Recover The Gospel From Its Present Humiliation by Ray Ortlund, Jr. Pastors and church leaders, in particular, are under enormous pressure today to satisfy the immediate demands of the marketplace at the cost of the gospel. People want what they want...
Today's sermon was part 22 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Shadows and Substance" and covers Hebrews 8:1-13. You can listen to or download the sermon HERE .