

The key to understanding the transfiguration lies in understanding its parallel: the crucifixion. There are few, more beautiful, contrasts found anywhere in God's word than the contrasts between the transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-9) and the events surrounding the crucifixion (Matt. 27:33-54). On Mount...
After reading a rather punchy and critical review by Thomas McCall, "a Wesleyan-Arminian Christian (and thus only "Reformed" in a fairly broad sense)," I thought it might be a good time to discuss briefly the topic of book puffs/commendations, and also perhaps the worrying direction of Ref21...
Some people are hesitant to participate in a church plant because of the amount of work it takes. Sometimes you have to arrive earlier to church than you normally would, in an established church, to ensure things are in order. At other times, you have to stay after the bell of the benediction rings...
Before we bid October 2014 adieu , and partly in recognition of today being "Reformation day," let me draw attention to the fact that this month marks the 485 th anniversary of the Colloquy of Marburg -- that famous event in 1529 where Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli met and agreed to disagree on...
Okay, readers, listen to me, listen to Ignacio: Banner of Truth, the publisher that makes the most beautiful books in the (Reformed) world, have a great sale on . Don't forget to buy Chad van Dixhoorn's really good work on the Wesminster Standards . Owen - except for the stuff about Christ being...
"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!" (Ps 34.8) The goodness of God is a topic that repays careful contemplation. Vast tracts of biblical teaching are devoted to this theme (Exod 33.19; Pss 34.8; 100.5; etc.), and the singular desire of the saints is to look upon the goodness of God (Ps 27.13...
Now the great design of all believers is to be like Jesus Christ, in all grace, and all the exercise of it. He is in all things their pattern and example . Wherefore, when they have a view of the glory of any grace as it was exercised in Christ, and a sense of their own defect and lack of...
After 8 months of attempting to plant a church in Richmond, Virginia, by God's grace, we had our first service on October 26, 2014. Crown and Joy Presbyterian Church meets each Sunday at 2pm. Here is our welcome video.
The friends at Faithlife were kind enough to send me an advance copy of Logos 6 to play around with. Current users of Logos will already have a pretty good notion of what they are dealing with. New or prospective users might consider the composite review of Logos 5 here , here and here for a basic...
As a Pastor, I get some really encouraging emails from my congregation: "Pastor Mark, thanks for the message today. I never leave Faith encouraged, convicted, and prompted to keep going on in the faith. Take care, ___" I'm sure my anti-pietistic friends will respond, "many a true word spoken [by...