

The military is a place for both young and old to find their way in life. As a navy instructor in San Diego, CA, between 2005-2008, I saw numerous recruits--who recently graduated from boot camp--and long-time veterans, who were desirous to better develop the skills of their vocation, save money,...
I have a deep appreciation for the earliest Princeton men. Archibald Alexander, for example, mixes deep scriptural insight and wisdom, developed by assiduous study, with a rich and experimental piety, a happy blend too rare today. I have also been enjoying very much James Garretson's recent study...
Why do we love justification and sanctification? And do we love one more than the other? If you've ever been in a position where you think you might die, your theology really begins to matter, and you learn a great deal about yourself and what you believe. A legalistic type of Christian probably...
In our circles, historian Philip Jenkins appears to be best known for his work on global Christianity, beginning with Next Christendom (Oxford, 2002; 3d edition, 2011--now part of his Future of Christianity trilogy). Just before that, however, he released Hidden Gospels: How the Search for Jesus...
"In a few words, but with great sublimity, Moses here commends the faith of Noah." Thus comments Calvin on Scripture's record that "Noah... did all that God commanded him" (Gen. 6.22). The terseness with which Scripture registers Noah's obedience is remarkable in light of the proportions of that...
The Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society is just under a couple of weeks away. This year's festivities will be held on November 19-21 at the Town and Country Resort & Convention Center in San Diego, California. The theme for the conference is "Ecclesiology," and the ETS website...
Rick Phillips
The progressive wing of evangelicalism seems to be ramping up its demand that Bible-believing churches accept homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle. An example is a recent video from Nadia Bolz-Weber titled "I Am the Church." The video parades young men and women who briefly state why they come...
I recently heard one man say, "If you don't have accountability software on every internet-accessible device, you're a fool." His comment was in the context of how pornography, particularly one's usage of it, is ravaging the church. Men and women, boys and girls, at home and at work, in hotels and...
Guest blogger
Jason Helopoulos Christward Collective I was visiting a church once and heard an exchange between a pastor and one of his congregants that has stayed with me ever since. A woman asked the pastor before the service, "Is the video this morning going to make me laugh or cry? It always does one or the...
I am so pleased to recommend this new book by Brian Borgman, my co-author in Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical and Balanced Perspective . Whether you have adopted already or are just thinking about it, Brian's book, published by Cruciform Press, is a great resource. The approach is personal and...