

Rick Phillips
The New Testament says something funny about Moses that scholars don't quite understand. Hebrews 11:32 says that Moses' parents hid him "because they saw that the child was beautiful." Baby Moses was special, and his parents understood something of his wonderful calling before God. In fact, the...
Paul Levy
My good friend and colleague Jonty Rhodes has just been published in the US 'Covenants made simple - Understanding God's unfolding promises to his people' . It's an excellent introduction to Covenant Theology, readable, brief. I've given loads of copies away and wish the book was better known in...
Sean Lucas
My dear friends: I hope that you are enjoying these Christmas sermons on John's prologue. I certainly have enjoyed doing a deep-dive into the text, both to see how John expresses the Good News of Jesus' incarnation in such a compressed fashion and to notice how these themes continue on in the rest...
We must be careful not to speak flippantly about Christ's obedience. The nature, quality, and difficulty of what he actually went through in order to save us will always be beyond our abilities to fully grasp in this life; but that does not mean we should not try to understand something of what it...
The primary apologetic value of the efficacy of God's word is obvious: the gospel is the power of God to save everyone who believes and the instrument the Spirit ordinarily uses to bring people to faith and keep and grow them in it. The implication for apologetic method is just as obvious: preach...
Sean Lucas
I have always enjoyed reading Richard Mouw, former president of Fuller Seminary, long-time faculty member at Calvin College. I was reminded how much I enjoy him this morning when I read his little book, Called to the Life of the Mind . The book represents a short essay broken up into various...
Rick Phillips
The coming of Jesus is always good news. This is what Abraham learned when Jesus appeared to him during a sad time in Abraham's life. Genesis 18 is a fascinating example of Jesus appearing in the Old Testament. He is first identified as "the Lord " (Gen. 18:1), which is God's covenant name, and...
Paul Levy
If there's one thing worse than celebrity Christians, I've become aware of an even worse plague on the Christian church; 'The famous Christian's family'. I've met three folk in the last month who are all related to well known people. We barely had any sentences without 'such and such says....'...
What is the incarnation? It is the kissing of heaven and earth. To borrow a phrase from Thomas Goodwin, when the Son became flesh, "Heaven and Earth met and kissed one another, namely, God and man." The incarnation makes theology possible. It makes communion with God possible. Whatever saving...
Christmas (along with Good Friday, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost) is one of five "evangelical feast days" that celebrate key moments in the Son of God's saving mission. On these days, the church turns its attention in a special way to the redemptive historical events that mark "the fullness of...