

We all desire non-Christians (i.e., pagans) to come to saving faith in Christ. Sometimes, however, our lament is that we are not seeing this occur in our churches as frequently as we would like. Here are 6 ways to help develop an evangelistic culture in your church. 1. Example: The officers, and...
Sean Lucas
Not that anyone missed me, of course. But after a two and a half year hiatus, I've agreed to reboot my contributions to the Reformation21 blog. I especially happy to share this space with my RTS colleagues, Bruce Baugus and Scott Swain, as well as my long-standing friends, Rick Phillips and Paul...
The home of Tertullian, Cyprian, and Augustine, the history of the early church in North Africa is formative and rich, and continues to teach many lessons. One lesson is the necessity of the indigenization of the faith everywhere the gospel is preached. That includes the communities where we live...
After discussing the tensions among evolutionists concerning the precise mechanism of evolution, I thought it might be good to address the underlying metaphysical assumptions of words that are used in the academy, such as "evolution." The explanatory power of the Neo-Darwinian synthesis has given a...
Last week I was privileged to receive a PDF copy of The Works of William Perkins (Vol.1) who is often referred to as "the father of Puritanism." Although Perkins is relatively unknown today (especially since his completed works have not been in print since the early 17th century), his writings used...
Contrary to popular opinion, Charles Darwin did not invent the theory of biological evolution. But his famous work, The Origin of Species , certainly gave impetus to an idea that would quickly become orthodoxy in the scientific establishment. In his work he made several significant points that have...
Various social media websites and the news outlets are still ablaze after the #FergusonDecision. While I am concerned about how the world is reacting, both positively and negatively, I am also concerned about how the Church is responding. As I shared here , what I am observing further confirms that...
According to some sources, Officer Darren Wilson could have been indicted with one of several crimes (e.g., first degree murder, second degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, or others) for killing an unarmed African-American young man. Many around the world were quite disgusted at his actions...
Alright folks, here is a great Christmas present to get someone who likes John Owen, the Puritans, or Reformed theology: The Ashgate Research Companion to John Owen's Theology, edited by Kelly Kapic and Mark Jones . The price has been dramatically reduced to $44.95 from about $150. Hardback cover,...
Sitting in the Heathrow airport en route to Johannesburg to lecture Seminary students, I thought it might be good to disclose my vision for a course at Seminary that, I believe, is nowhere offered at any major Reformed seminary in America. The course would be called "Ant Farm 101". Students hoping...