

Sean Lucas
This morning, I finished reading Tim Keller's new book, Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God . I very much appreciated the book--I read it a chapter at a time during my morning worship times and found myself reminded of much that I knew, but also spurred on toward a genuine engagement...
Needless to say, I have learned far more than six things. I hope to elaborate on those later (e.g., issues concerning commitment, expectations, etc.). In the meantime, here are six observations. 1. Do not compare yourself to other churches. It is extremely easy to think you have the best of...
The best theologians have typically been pastors (e.g., Augustine, Calvin, Owen, Edwards). And the theologians I enjoy reading the most are those who had/have real pastoral experience. There is a purpose to their writing that sometimes isn't found when scholars attempt to write for the church. (I...
Roger Olson is reviewing Oliver Crisp's new book, Deviant Calvinism . I plan to do some interacting with Crisp's book in the new year. The Reformed tradition is diverse, but there is the thorny question of just how diverse. I have quickly realized that one man's diversity may not be another man's...
Jonathan Edwards' Freedom of the Will has exercised considerable influence on contemporary Reformed thought about divine sovereignty and human freedom. For many, Edwards' work represents the gold standard of Reformed thinking about these topics. Recent scholarship on divine and human freedom in the...
Atheist activists are making headlines for recent advertising efforts, this time in the southern states of America. Several years ago a similar effort in the United Kingdom caused some degree of consternation among British evangelicals. I was living in Scotland at the time, and came face to face...
You may be planning a seasonal sermon. In a spirit of ministerial solidarity, I would bring to your attention a fell tale from long ago . Be warned, gentlemen, be warned!
I do not normally get involved in the banter of those who write for Reformation 21, but I believe this response is most urgent in light of the previous two posts. Both Mr. Paul Levy and Mr. Jeremy Walker questioned the degree to which my dapper appearance far outweighs Mr. Bruce Baugus and most...
I cannot but dispute Paul's "Best Looking Blogger" and "Nicest Guy Awards." Both make reference to photos, which shows that Paul is still clearly irked by the absence of a grainy black-and-white mugshot. I do what I can, and present a combined "Best Looking Blogger/Nicest Monk" contribution.
Paul Levy
'Newcomer of the year' - Mike Reeves has made a massive impact, announced to huge aplomb and his contributions have been outstanding 'Our biggest supporter award' - It's a close run thing but... Daryl Hart for his unstinting support, particularly in encouraging Mark Jones in so many ways. Daryl is...