

Paul Levy
There is a breed of minister who is loved by everyone and I fear that the problem is at epidemic proportions. So in the last few months I've heard a few ministers being described as 'A brilliant preacher! No one in his church has a bad word to say about him'. There is also the minister who served...
I am delighted to learn that I have managed to awaken Mr Levy from his seasonal slumbers. I am sure that ripples of thankful applause are now washing around the globe from his fans. However, I must admit that I am slightly discombobulated to discover that he now suggests that I have offered what...
Paul Levy
It's been too long since I got in the ring with Jeremy over something but calling written prayers 'close to an abomination' is a pretty remarkable overstatement even by my hyperbolic standards. I do see he gives the caveat that reading Spurgeon's prayers out loud is ok. The rest of his piece is...
Rick Phillips has posted a provocative piece on why his PCA church does not recite the full version of the Apostles' Creed. I was actually surprised to learn that many Southern Presbyterians omit the phrase, "He descended into Hell." Pastor Phillips makes a strong argument, but one that leaves me...
Several years ago I had the privilege of preaching in Denmark at the Reformation-Resurrection Conference. The invitation came out of the blue, hanging upon the absence of another brother whose health prevented him from serving. I went a little tentatively, not knowing what I would find, not least...
Rick Phillips
Kudos to Nick Batzig for making us aware of Geerhardus Vos' lucid treatment of the line, "he descended into hell," in the Apostles' Creed. When I came to my present church, I found that they had abandoned this line in the Creed (which, I understand was a fairly widespread omission among Southern...
[The introductory paragraph was originally posted in an unfinished form. Mea culpa . I have not changed the sentiment and substance, but have adapted and I hope improved the tone and the direction. I do not have the original piece, but what follows is close to the original intention. Other...
Rick Phillips
One of my private rituals has to do with Psalm 90 and the changing of each year. In the church that I serve, I begin the first worship service of a new year by reading its opening lines and the last service of the year by reading its closing lines. This morning - New Year's Day, 2015 - I began the...
With another year upon us, there may be a desire to make certain resolutions, or habits, to live by in the new year. Some will establish a new gym routine, others will employ a Bible reading plan, not a few will develop a financial budget replete with additional savings and a more strict spending...
One of the joys, if we choose to call it that, of the turn of the year is the "books wot I red" lists that emanate from bloggers left, right and centre. Some of them are simply crass arrogance - the "I read bigger, better, harder, higher, or simply more books than you" approach, a bit like those...