

Sean Lucas
My dear friends: One of the things that was hard about living in St. Louis were all the gray, semi-cold winter days. We would go four or five days in a row with those kinds of days--lower 40s, gray, not raining, not snowing, just blah. After a while, I used to half-joke, I'd want to jump off the...
Despite its premature appearance on Mark Jones's Top Ten List Of Books That Will Never Make A Top Ten List , tomorrow marks the official release of Reformed Orthodoxy in Scotland: Essays on Scottish Theology 1560-1775 (Bloomsbury Academic). Scholarly views on the nature of Reformed theology in the...
Depending on the person to whom you speak, there are either 3 or 4 marks of a true church. You have likely heard of at least three marks: the proper preaching of the word, the administration of the sacraments, and the utilization of church discipline. It is the so-called fourth mark of the church...
Rick Phillips
I am working on the second installment of my series on the Bible and evolution (see the first here ), but in the meantime it would be good to address one of the most frequent arguments in criticism of those who reject evolution. The argument goes like this: But Galileo! I say, "The Bible does not...
Who are Reformed Christians, theologians, and pastors allowed to read? Or, more specifically, who are we allowed to cite positively in our writings and conversations? Are we allowed to speak positively of anything N.T. Wright has written, for example, without getting accused of all sorts of things...
Only one person has truly understood the words that Christ said on the cross: "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" that is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46). That person was Christ himself. The rest of us are left to try our best in comprehending this heaven-rending, heart-melting...
Paul Levy
I knew it was out there!!! I've been searching for the past four weeks since I wrote my blog post. ' Covenants Made Simple' - for the accompanying video . Jonty Rhodes, the author, has not only written an outstanding book introducing Covenant Theology but he is also a terrific broadcaster. As you...
Paul Levy
Alan Davey is a Welsh missionary in France, he once proclaimed his amazement at me being Presbyterian saying to my friend 'Levy wasn't clever enough to be a Presbyterian'. However, Alan has written a class book review which made me laugh out loud for the first time since I found out Rick Phillips...
I thought I might interrupt Ref21's ongoing series on John Wesley's view of Christ's descent into hell by mentioning a couple of resources related to another uncontroversial theologian: Martin Luther. These two books have very different foci--one concerns Luther's understanding of the Christian...
Paul Levy
The Banner of Truth have just put out Andrew Atherstone's review of DG Hart's book on Calvinism . As a piece of writing it's quite something and you will probably want a stiff drink while you read it. Believe it or not we're quite fans of DG Hart here. I'm just reading his masterful work on Machen...