

Rick Phillips
I have greatly appreciated the interaction on this blog regarding the descent clause in the Apostles' Creed: "he descended into hell." For the sake of late comers, this began with my post explaining how the church I serve omits this clause and why I have agreed with this omission. Mark Jones...
It may have been ever thus, but there seem to be an increasing number of books - often from the fields of biblical or systematic theology - that present themselves as having discovered or provided the overarching theme of the Scriptures as a whole, the lens through which the whole should be read...
This year is the 200 th anniversary of the death of the Baptist pastor-theologian Andrew Fuller, so expect a few bits and pieces coming your way. Here is your starter for ten ... You may be in the sad condition of not really knowing what you are missing by not knowing Fuller. One way to get a taste...
The debate over whether pictures of Jesus are allowed, suitable, etc., usually revolves around the interpretation of the second commandment. I want to look at the debate from a slightly different angle, namely: the beatific vision. There are only two ways that we are able to see Christ: either by...
There are plenty of reasons why people leave churches. Some are legitimate and others are not. In this short series, I want to focus on illegitimate reasons why people leave churches. Here is one: "I don't feel connected." This can mean several things, but the way I am accustomed to hearing it...
The flood waters having receded, and Noah and family having disembarked from the ark, it was back to business as usual on earth in a number of discernable ways. Thus we see, firstly, the restitution of the creation ordinance of marriage (Gen. 9.1), and, at least by Calvin's reckoning, a rather...
Would you allow me to draw your attention to a book? It is my father's work, and concerns a man that you may not know, a seventeenth century Baptist called Benjamin Keach. Keach was one of the movers and shakers of the century, a prominent London Baptist who faced fierce persecution but also saw...
In my experience, 8 out of 10 seminary students and graduates prefer Koine Greek to biblical Hebrew. Why? Perhaps reading from right to left is a bit disorienting? Maybe some of the Hebrew letters resemble each other too closely? Perchance it is the gutturals, sibilants, glides, and dentals that...
Rick Phillips
I finally got out to view the movie "Interstellar," which my sons and I had been wanting to see all season. We are all fans of Christopher Nolan, particularly because of the way he uses his art to make important statements into our culture. Interstellar picks up where the Batman series leaves off...
How many of our modern hymns speak of Christ's wrath and judgment? If I'm not mistaken, "Agnus Dei" (Michael W. Smith) derives its language from Revelation 19. How many consider the wrath of the Lamb, described in that chapter, when they have their eyes closed and hands raised in the air when...