

With Carl's sad anouncement that he is retiring (honourably?) from the Reformation21 blog, the responses have been flooding in, from home-school moms to top men from TGC. I give you a mere sampling. From an anonymous reader: Some lady is an avid reader of the blog; but, alas, she is not so fond of...
With bad news on the horizon....I am taking this opportunity to post before the storm. In the interests of showing that I am happy to receive "push-back" on articles, here is Denny Burk responding to my post, A Plea For Realism . Now, I only found out about this post today. But I have written two...
As I was walking from the restaurant to my car, I had one gospel tract in my pocket. I had purposed to give it to someone in route to my vehicle. Literally, that was my plan. I wanted to place the tract in someone's hand, continue walking, get in my truck, and leave. That did not happen. When I...
Part 2 of 2 (see part 1 on "Why I Pour" here ). As a pastor, who has many baptistic families in his church (who are fine Christians, dear friends, and those I commune with at the table), there are several points I typically raise in order to persuade them of the theological necessity of...
Today Justin Taylor posted one of my favorite sections from C. S. Lewis's sermon, "The Weight of Glory." In that sermon, Lewis speaks eloquently about the "desire for our own far-off country"--the desire for heaven. I worry that much contemporary teaching and preaching fails to speak with Lewis's...
It's well known that Calvin frowned upon religious images in churches and the use of musical instruments to accompany singing in the corporate worship of God. Religious artwork in churches served, he believed, to distract worshipers from those "pictures" of Christ and his redeeming work which God...
Here is the first of two posts: "Why I Pour" & "Why I Baptize Babies." They are both roughly 900 words each. Should we only baptize by immersion, the full submersion of the body under water? Should we argue that baptizo means immerse and get on with it? Isn't Romans six a water-tight case...
As I was leaving Wal-mart earlier today, I noticed a woman, in a red and white checkered dress, holding a sign that said, "Success is only mentioned in the KJV once. Check Joshua 1:8." Is that the only time the word 'success' is used in the KJV? Is it even in Joshua 1:8? I have yet to check the...
This year's Westminster Conference is within hailing distance (Tue 02 and Wed 03 Dec) and the bookings have begun rolling in. Details can be found on the new website , together with the booking form for those wishing to attend. First time attendees at the conference can come free if they are among...
The reports of my retreat have been greatly exaggerated. Yes, I did back out of the ring after seeing 20 Baptists step in. But, listening to Metallica (coupled with a Liverpool loss today) has put me in a punchy mood: To any Baptist pastor who will come to my church and say the following to all the...