

How many non-Christians do you converse with face-to-face on a regular basis outside of normal working hours? With how many of them do you share the gospel? In my experience it seems that many within Presbyterian and Reformed circles do not have very many acquaintances outside of the Church...
Comments are not allowed here at Reformation21. Why? Well, someone has to be in charge of editing out all of the stupid, vitriolic, inane, off-topic, and poorly worded comments that appear with great regularity on blogs that sometimes discuss controversial issues. If those wishing to comment are...
Comments are not allowed here at Reformation21. Why? Well, someone has to be in charge of editing out all of the stupid, vitriolic, inane, off-topic, and poorly worded comments that appear with great regularity on blogs that sometimes discuss controversial issues. If those wishing to comment are...
Calvin takes as given the historicity of Adam and Eve and the events surrounding their creation and fall. He rebukes, on this score, the 3rd century theologian Origen and "others like him" who -- finding little of value in Adam and Eve's historical personages -- "took refuge" in allegorical...
Having been raised on the cartoon television show, Tom and Jerry, I am accustomed to seeing Tom's curiosity lead to his demise. Time after time, he could not seem to learn that Jerry was craftier, perhaps wiser, and determined to make him look foolish. I do not think the old adage, "Curiosity...
Today was a special day for me: I crossed the border to pick up my Amazon orders, which included a Nacho Libre mask (for Halloween), and a couple of books. The book that immediately impressed me the most is Chad van Dixhoorn's latest, Confessing the Faith: A Reader's Guide to the Westminster...
The accusation that Protestants were slow to take up the evangelical mission to the world and that this exposes some sort of fundamental flaw in our faith has been almost as sticky as it is spurious. Already in the air by the late sixteenth century, Rome's great counter-Reformation polemicist,...
Over at the British blog, some thoughts on the upcoming Scottish referendum : The outcome of the Scottish vote will, in some measure, in the shorter and longer terms, change the circumstances in which the saints go about their business. But our business will not change. We are all still citizens of...
I have read with profit Mark Jones's recent posts on the covenant of works (see here and here ), having benefited from his other writings on this topic as well. Such theological clarity and historical awareness are much to be appreciated when it comes to the relationship between the covenant of...
"The Just [One] Shall Live by Faith" The top men here at the Alliance are not happy with me. I posted my piece on the covenant of works on a day that does not maximize top viewing. My apologies. It will never happen again. Here is my penance: a "Part Deux" to the previous post. Did Jesus, like Adam...