

Rick Phillips
I was privileged today to have lunch with a Republican US Senator at a small gathering of evangelical pastors. It was quite enjoyable to interact with a politician who has absolutely no fears of losing his election and therefore is willing to say what he really thinks. I would sum up his message...
This is not about Mark Driscoll, though it is prompted by a few notes being sounded (not by him, as far as I am aware) with regard to his resignation letter, and the circumstances surrounding it. First, pastoral qualification is never merely a matter of apparent giftedness and effectiveness. It has...
While doing my MA in historical and dogmatic theology I had a very neat (i.e., narrow) understanding of the Reformed tradition. I typically thought in these categories: Reformed versus Arminian; Reformed versus Socinian; Reformed versus Roman Catholicism; etc. But as I moved into my PhD studies I...
For those who are able to attend, Dr. Carl Truman will be speaking on the vital subject of "The Doctrine of Scripture." All the information for the conference which is taking place November 3-4 can be found here: Schedule - order, title, and other speakers here:
Is Jesus on every page in the Old Testament? According to the title of a recent book, he may be. Is Christ in every sentence (e.g., "tear out the fangs of the young lions, O Lord!" Ps. 58:6b)? Should we employ the exegetical genius, or perhaps lack thereof, to find him in every definite article,...
Calvin's comments on chapter 5 of Genesis barely fill a handful of pages in his lengthy commentary on the first book of the Bible. He evidently struggles to find significance in a passage of Scripture largely devoted to genealogy, and he sounds a note of minor frustration over the fact that many "...
"For my part, I had much rather my lot should be found among them who do really believe with the heart unto righteousness, though they are not able to give a tolerable definition of faith unto others, than among them who can endlessly dispute about it with seeming accuracy and skill, but are...
Being an unapologetic Carl Trueman fanboy, the recent announcement of his departure from the ranks of regular contributors to the Reformation21 blog has hit me quite hard. I'm told that my feelings are not shared by all. (Apparently the Alliance has received several congratulatory letters from...
Although there are some denominations that fully or partially fund their church planters, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is not one of them. Therefore, if the local church, or presbytery, calls you to plant a congregation, you must raise the financial support you need to fulfill your...
Paul Levy
On the day after Trueman bows out let me say 'Good riddance to bad rubbish'. He was holding us back. Too establishment, he's becoming a statesman. To be honest I saw it coming when he joined the T4G bandwagon. Who can ever forget him grinning away on that panel, with his eyes rolling round and...