If there's one thing worse than celebrity Christians...

Paul Levy
If there's one thing worse than celebrity Christians, I've become aware of an even worse plague on the Christian church; 'The famous Christian's family'. I've met three folk in the last month who are all related to well known people. We barely had any sentences without 'such and such says....'. Only once did I say, to my shame, 'I don't care what they thought. What do you think?'

Don't get me wrong, I've tagged along on Trueman's coat tails long enough. I sat on the Doctor's knee as a baby but, to those few who still  possibly read Ref 21, if your Dad's a famous minister or your brother is a well known preacher, please, I beg you to stop mentioning your famous relatives. We call no man father (Matthew 23:9)

On another note, REf 21's good friends 'the exclusive psalmists' seem to be enjoying Mark Jones and Aaron Delinger. I offer their gentle and generous rebuttals here. Only Daryl Hart and his followers are kinder to Ref 21.