

I am delighted to get my hands on the first volume of a projected ten-volume set, The Works of William Perkins . Perkins was one of those phenomenal proto-Puritans, in this instance a man often called "the father of Puritanism." While for some that is reason for opprobrium of the nastiest sort, for...
Rick Phillips
Here is another question that did not get answered in the Grand Rapids PCRT: "A recent conversation with a family member centered around whether we still need to have a civil license of marriage since the government of states are redefining marriage. Is it okay to be "married in the eyes of the...
Paul Levy
The final part of an interview with Sandy Finlayson, ( part 1 , part 2 ) on his two books ' Unity and Diversity ' and ' Bitesize Biography - Thomas Chalmers ' These men accomplished an enormous amount, as I read the book I was exhausted at just how devoted to the ministry they were, none seemed to...
According to Carl Braaten, the gospel's claim that God raised Jesus from the dead requires us to address two questions: the question of whether it happened and the question of what happened. The former question--what we might call, "the apologetic question," is vital for if God did not raise Jesus...
Paul Levy
For Part 1 of the Interview with Sandy Finlayson see here You are not uncritical of the men in this ' Unity and Diversity' , particularly 'Rabbi Duncan', I found your chapter on him the most incisive, why is his story so vital for seminaries and churches today? There is little doubt in my mind that...
Paul Levy
Sandy Finlayson and I have never met. We often correspond; sharing a great love for the Two Ronnies and the winding up Carl Trueman. Sandy is not only the Director of Library Services at Westminster Seminary, he is an OPC elder at Cornerstone, Philadelphia. The MoS team recently did a podcast with...
What commandments did Adam break in the Garden when he and his wife ate from the tree which God commanded them not to eat from (Gen. 2:16-17; 3:6)? I believe he broke all ten commandments, not just one or two specific commandments (cf. James 2:10). He broke the first commandment in his unbelief ...
As promised , here is the link to Richard Gaffin's 2015 Kistemaker Academic Lecture Series at RTS Orlando. Also, Lee Irons has produced a helpful series on Meredith Kline's view of the Mosaic Covenant as a republication of the Covenant of Works. See here for the first post (HT: Patrick Ramsey)...
"Thirdly," Calvin writes in description of Rome's teaching on Scripture, "repudiating all other versions [of Scripture] whatsoever, they retain the Vulgate only, and order it to be authentic." Thus Calvin summarizes the following words from the Council of Trent: [This] Holy Council -- considering...
Rick Phillips
Since the PCRT theme this year was Holiness and Honor: A Reformed View of Sex and Marriage, most of the Q & A was devoted to this theme. Here is another question we did not get to, but which I will address now: What should I do if I'm dating someone who didn't wait for marriage before meeting...