

Rick Phillips
The news broke this week that City Church San Francisco has reversed its prohibition against practicing homosexuals being admitted into church membership (see here ). Previously, only celibate homosexuals were accepted as biblically faithful Christians. Senior Pastor Fred Harrell explained the...
Follow the links to read the introduction and part one of this series. "In forming a catalogue of Scripture," Calvin writes, "they [the Roman Catholic Council of Trent] mark all the books with the same chalk, and insist on placing the Apocrypha in the same rank with the others." Thus Calvin...
Last week Paul Levy drew our attention to this video where Phillip Jensen worries that Calvinists "preach the system" rather than "preaching the Bible." Mike Ovey has responded, quite well I think, to Jensen's worry here . (HT: Jonty Rhodes.)
Paul Levy
The ECT articles that were originally planned for Ref21 have been published on First Things . I would encourage you to read them all but particularly Carl's last article in the series . Let me quote from Trueman speaking of what has happened in the last 10 years with regards to the Young Restless...
Paul Levy
I've never been applauded after speaking which is no surprise to anyone. I know there are cultural differences but Mark's post makes a good point. I applaud him! Every conference I have ever been to has had mixed content. My view would be if you get one really good session at a conference you are...
Earlier this week, Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando was privileged to host Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. , Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, for our annual Kistemaker Academic Lecture Series . The series provided an...
Sean Lucas
From Calvin, Institutes , 3.16.19 We see that our whole salvation and all its parts are comprehended in Christ. We should therefore take care not to derive the least portion of it from anywhere else. If we seek salvation, we are taught by the very name of Jesus that it is "of him." If we seek any...
Q. What is the sound of one hand clapping? A. A conference where people are more thankful for the message than praising the man who delivered the message. At a fairly large conference a few years ago, one speaker arrived with great fanfare - the guys on walkie talkies were intense. He was quickly...
Paul Levy
Lee Gatiss has a helpful video on the Lord's Supper , you probably want to stick it on in the background as looking at his ugly mug close up and shameful advertising of his own books is pretty unbearable. However what he says is first rate. Over on 'Theology on the Go' Jonty Rhodes is interviewed...
Paul Levy
Last weekend it was our privilege to have Jose De Segovia with us. Jose preached for our Presbytery, spoke at our adult Sunday School and preached for us on Sunday evening. It did our church family the world of good to have him with us. He is the minister of the Reformed Chruch in Madrid and does a...