

"In time," Luther opined, "my books will lie forgotten in the dust." This was no lament on the Reformer's part. In fact, Luther found much "consolation" in the possibility -- or rather likelihood -- that his literary efforts would soon fade into oblivion. The dim view he apparently took of his own...
Jeremy Walker was born to godly parents and was converted to Christ during his teenage years. He has been a pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church since 2003. He is married to Alissa, with whom he enjoys the blessing of three children. Articles | Blog Posts | Books
The sermons found in Scripture are a great study. Peter's sermon on the Day of Pentecost deserves our special attention (Acts 2:14-41). As I have been preaching through this portion of the Bible, I have come to appreciate his message as an excellent prototype for all true biblical preaching...
Christological supralapsarianism can take on a variety of forms. In connection with this doctrine, I would like to address whether the Son would have become incarnate if Adam had not fallen ( Cur Deus homo si Adam non pecasset? ). Reformed theologians have asked what reward Adam would have received...
I have noticed that European students of theology are usually far better linguists than North American students. This often comes down to the rigour of their linguistic education in high school. A lot of us spend our time catching up in our twenties rather than beginning in our early teens. If you...
Adam broke the ten commandments in the Garden . But Christ kept the ten commandments in the "wilderness," under far more intense circumstances than what was originally required of Adam. He kept the first commandment. He brought glory to God the Father while he was on earth (Jn. 17:4). He feared,...
Some time in the autumn of 379, Gregory of Nazianzus answered the summons issued by the Synod of Antioch to take up residence in Constantinople. His job description was clear: to promote the Nicene faith in a city given over to Arianism. Gregory soon established the Church of the Resurrection and,...
As some will no doubt be preaching on Christ's death on Friday, there is one hugely important theological fact that must be kept uppermost in our minds as we consider his death on the cross. If we do not understand Christ's death as voluntary then we do not understand his death. Jesus himself...
Last year I forgot it was Easters, likely due to the fact that I had just returned home from South Africa and was jet-lagged. I prepared my sermon on Genesis, and only realized when it was too late that it was Easters. Foolishly, I told the congregation: "I forgot it was Easter and thought about...
"I come to the right of interpreting [the Bible], which they arrogate to themselves.... It is theirs, they say, to give the meaning of Scripture, and we must acquiesce." Thus Calvin summarizes the fourth and final point of Trent's teaching on Scripture. Trent's words were as follows: "No man... [...