

Paul Levy
We live in a West London suburb. We're about 20 -30 mins into the centre of town. Crossrail, which is going to link West to East London, will change the area in which we are dramatically. You'll be able to get right into the City in 15 minutes and so house prices are expected to rocket over the...
Does a Christian have any reason to be afraid of God? Does the gospel make any threats to God's people or does the gospel simply promise and comfort? There is no doubt that the gospel promises and comforts. That is not in dispute. What is less clear is whether the same gospel message also threatens...
Rick Phillips
Here is a second of the questions from the PCRT Q&A that we did not get to during the conference: Why so many singles? Why does it seem that God withholds marriage for so many when he clearly upholds it, encourages it, desires it, etc.? Why are there so many singles who want marriage but don't...
Suppose an extremely wealthy person was willing to make a sizeable donation to your church or to your para-church organization. By sizeable, I mean 1 or 2 million U.S. dollars. Now, what if you told that person that you are unwilling to accept his money. Why? Not because it is "guilty" money or...
Rick Phillips
We are having a great PCRT in Grand Rapids this weekend. Our speakers Iain Duguid, David Garner, and David Murray have been terrific on our theme of Holiness and Honor: A Reformed View of Marriage and Sex. We also had an insightful Q&A session. Unfortunately, it was way too short to get to even...
"Presbyterians Approve Gay Marriage in Church Constitution." That was the headline under which The Wall Street Journal ran the St. Patrick's Day AP article . According to the PCUSA's revised order, "marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love...
Paul Levy
Jose Da Sagovia has written a helpful and thought provoking piece on the American Dream and how it relates to Arthur Miller, this isn't for the faint hearted!! There's been a few posts about Phillip Jensen and I wouldn't want readers to think that they should write off the Jensen's. Phillip's...
I'm currently in China, where I do not have access to Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter. I suppose this is an enforced Lent for me. But I do have access to Reformation21 for some reason. I guess we are not quite that dangerous... I'm here for a 10 year anniversary of a Seminary. Where? I cannot say, of...
Paul Levy
Over the last while I've had a number of people talk to me about different situations and then invoke some Reformed Christian guru saying ''Such and such would be turning in his grave if he knew''. It's become a kind of reformed mantra. It is meant to imply that we (normally I) have ruined some...
Paul Levy
At the risk of a sledgehammer crushing a nut, my good friend Matthew Roberts who's the minister of Trinity Church, York has written the following regarding the video of Phillip Jensen. See previous posts here and here . I should say despite my criticism of Phillip I do love the man. I particularly...