

Rick Phillips
In light of the Timothy George article commending ECT that was posted on this website today, it seems necessary to assure our readers that this ministry has not changed its historic stance in opposition to the Evangelicals and Catholics Together movement and its published documents. I am one of...
For what it is worth, and taking account of the fact that the series has yet to run its course, I would like publicly to distance myself from the stance that has been taken in the recent articles on Evangelicals and Catholics Together over on the corresponding page. I hope that this protest is not...
Paul Levy
Ref21 is really proud to sponsor this new campaign. Pastor's Dogs have their own unique set of challenges and pressure that only they can know about. There are normal dogs and even Christian Dogs but none can understand what the dog of a Pastor goes through. Bob Brady is willing to give a bag of...
As it happens, we are not only in the midst of Lent, but also Pastor's Wife Appreciation Month . Yes, Month. All of this self-sacrifice is too much. Here at Reformation21 we are going to begin a series. Next up: The Pastor's Dog by Paul Levy. Stay tuned. Now, of course, in one sense I think we...
As I think about Ephesians 6:1-3, a number of questions come to mind concerning the way I treat my children (ages: 4, 4, 7, 9). This post does not in fact aim to raise a challenge to Baptists, but rather to get Reformed Presbyterians to think through the implications of how we should read the...
Ah, yes - the answer! Who said this? 1. All the blessings which God hath bestowed upon man are of his mere grace, bounty, or favour; his free, undeserved favour; favour altogether undeserved; man having no claim to the least of his mercies. It was free grace that "formed man of the dust of the...
The sixteenth-century papacy never succeeded in setting fire to Martin Luther, much to its chagrin. Support from a string of Saxon princes and political events in the Holy Roman Empire combined to keep Luther from Rome's grasp until he succumbed, aged 62, to a natural death. Intriguingly, there was...
It's a common observation, beloved by Reformed folk, that Deuteronomy reflects ancient near eastern suzerainty treaties--international covenants enacted between a superior suzerain power and inferior vassal state. Such treaties follow what we now think of as standard covenant formulary: a preamble...
Rick Phillips
Many Christian commenters today are expressing concern about antinomian tendencies in the church. We are especially seeing attempts to downplay the role of God's law as a guide to Christian living (the so-called third use of the law). One question that comes into play is whether or not the Ten...
So wrote Luther to Erasmus in his Bondage of the Will . Few if any phrases from Luther have been more misunderstood. One regularly sees Luther's words invoked to emphasize the transcendence , the otherness, of God. Luther criticized Erasmus, it is assumed, for failing to grasp God's freedom and...