

Rick Phillips
I am grateful to Sean Lucas for pointing out via facebook an excellent article by David Prince, answering the question, " Will I Be Fully Accepted at Your Church as a Gay Man? " He answered by saying that a gay man would of course by welcome to join in their worship. He would be welcomed into their...
Scripture's account of Terah and Abraham's departure from Ur of the Chaldeans for Canaan (via Haran) presents Calvin with a difficulty. In Genesis 11.31 it appears that Terah takes the initiative in quitting Chaldea for the greener pastures of some other place. In Genesis 12.4 it appears that...
I've been wondering just what we're supposed to do with Bryan Chapell's "The State of the PCA" essay in byFaith (available here ), beyond praying over the sad state of affairs it describes. Chapell adapted this essay from a private letter to a friend he was trying to orient to the PCA. In the...
Legalism is a tricky topic. There isn't a Christian alive on earth who doesn't struggle with legalistic tendencies. To diagnose this problem, we need to look at the various types of legalisms that we encounter in the church and in our hearts to understand the concept. Neat definitions aren't always...
Over the weekend I had the opportunity to work through the first volume of Geerhardus Vos's Reformed Dogmatics , which is devoted to theology proper (i.e., God's being, attributes, and triunity; God's decrees; and God's "natural works" [ naturae opera ] of creation and providence). I confess to...
WCF 11.1 ... nor by imputing faith itself, the act of believing, or any other evangelical obedience to them, as their righteousness ... Part 1: Justification by Precision Alone? Part 2: Act and Habit of Faith Part 3: Justification is an act that cannot be revoked Part 4: Arminian vs. Reformed on...
Rick Phillips
It is a good practice for Christians to plan ahead for some rich reading experiences during the leisure time that summer often affords. To this end, I would like to recommend some wonderful books that have the especially high virtue of bringing rich biblical reflections on the person and work of...
Can justification ever be revoked if someone is justified? There are many reasons why this is impossible. I want to offer two (and perhaps some others in a future post). First, because we are justified by faith alone . Second, because of the nature of Christ's intercession. That sinners are...
Sean Lucas
Like many, I have appreciated both letters from my friends, Bryan Chapell and Rick Phillips , about our common denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America. The wisdom that both have shared from their particular locations makes me thankful to belong to a "conservative mainline Presbyterian...
You're in a faithful church, but someone complains about this, that, and the other, and so wants to leave. What do you say? #1 I agree this church isn't perfect... #2 This is a perfect church, why would you leave a perfect church? #1 and #2 are possibilities, but my sympathies are with #2. Why?...