

Rick Phillips
Today marks the fifteenth anniversary of the death of James Montgomery Boice, pastor for 32 years of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. For those of us whose lives were so deeply marked by the life and ministry of Dr. Boice, it is hard to believe that so much time has passed. Yet the...
Christian parents are faced with many dilemmas as they seek to raise their children for the Lord. If they have sporty or athletic children who play on a sports team, the question of playing on the Lord's Day (Sunday) becomes a real issue. I became a Christian at University. Giving up soccer on...
The Puritan Hard Drive (PHD) is the single largest one-time digital publishing event of Puritan, Reformation, Reformed Baptist, Reformed and Biblical Presbyterian and Covenanter resources ever produced. Combine all of this with the very useful PHD software and there are many reasons to rejoice for...
Scripture's account of Abraham's trip from Ur to Canaan via Haran, subsequent ramble through the Promised Land, and short but eventful stay in Egypt before rewinding his course through Canaan, provides Calvin with ample opportunity to reflect upon the nature of human faith in response to God's...
Dear Comrades in Pursuit of the Chief End of Man, I have rarely (alright, never) been asked to give input regarding the weekly "worship set." However, having witnessed Christian worship in local churches, Christian camps, seminary chapels, and other venues over the past 43 years, I have come to the...
One area where I think the so-called "new Calvinists" (and some PCA churches) need to perhaps give some more careful attention to in their retrieval of Reformed theology is in the area of worship, especially if they want to be taken seriously as "Calvinists". For all the positive developments in...
When I think of the immoderate use of superlatives, I think of Martyn Lloyd-Jones describing each text he was preaching on as the "most important" or "most extraordinary" text in all of God's Word. Maybe he's to blame for the problem I want to describe below. In the church, once-useful superlatives...
Scholastic theology is often derided for the subtle distinctions it makes. Seemingly unable to provide a simple "yes" or "no" regarding disputed theological questions, the common scholastic reply, "we distinguish," sounds more like the response of a slick politician than that of a dutiful shepherd...
Carlton Wynne
Geerhardus Vos has been called the "father of Reformed biblical theology." As many readers are aware, he is known for investigating and displaying the organically integrated and historically unfolded character of biblical revelation. In fact, the Bible was, for him, best understood as the...
Rick Phillips
We are indebted to Tim Keller for what should amount to a definitive Bible-believing Christian response to the "Gay Christian" argument. No one can accuse Keller of extreme conservatism or personal animus in this matter. His commitment to the authority of Scripture and his careful approach to...