

Peter Enns blogged this , where he essentially states that church history is not relevant on human origins. Naturally, his views are. Besides the Apostles and Jesus, theologians and pastors over the course of church history have gotten things wrong, according to Enns. That the history of the church...
In previous entries in what is becoming an impromptu antiphonal blog series on the Trinity, Fred Sanders and I have focused on the nature and relevance of the doctrine of inseparable operations (see here , here , and here ). To this point, we have considered ways in which the unity of God's being...
Rick Phillips
This week a letter titled The State of the PCA was published by Bryan Chapell in By Faith , the denominational magazine of the PCA. This public letter is another of the many takes in recent years on our denomination from the perspective of a senior statesman with progressive leanings. Few readers...
The question of how diverse the Reformed tradition is is an important topic of consideration. I have co-edited a volume on Reformed diversity in the seventeenth century, and later this year I have another co-edited volume coming out on Reformed diversity in the eighteenth century. Professor Oliver...
In Calvin's estimation, the Christian life is properly one of constant gratitude. Gratitude bears fruit in holiness -- we can and should say "thank you" to God with our lives as well as our lips. The root of gratitude is constant and careful attention to God's remarkable gifts to us in spite of our...
People do what they want to do. Regrettably, when it comes to Christians, they seem to not want to pray together at prayer meetings. As a pastor, I'm concerned how many Christians have such energy for the things of the world - we will drive across town for our kids to get to piano lessons or take...
I recently read an essay by a leading evangelical theologian arguing that many "egalitarian" discussions of the doctrine of the Trinity threaten to compromise basic tenets of orthodox Christianity and to undermine, at least implicitly, the authority of the Bible (Wayne Grudem, "Doctrinal Deviations...
Two hundred years ago today, on the morning of Sunday 7th May 1815 dawned, the sixty one year old Andrew Fuller was grieved that he had not the strength to go and worship his God with his people. As his end approached, so his faith had increased. When his dear friend John Ryland Jr. heard that...
In the light of recent events at the Thrive Conference involving Mr Driscoll, some readers may be interested in this article from a couple of months ago.
I love reading a good book, the type that keeps you reading till the end. A recent book by Hunter Powell, The crisis of British Protestantism: Church power in the Puritan Revolution, 1638-44 , reminded me of the importance of good scholarship not only for the academy, but also for the church. It...