

It was recently my privilege to have published a new book with the title, Passing Through: Pilgrim Life in the Wilderness . The fundamental premise of the work is that the church needs to recover its pilgrim identity, and from that work out its pilgrim activity, cultivating simultaneously a holy...
I have little idea what challenges American churches (and other institutions) that refuse to recognize same-sex "marriages" may soon face in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, announced today. The Wall Street Journal's Jerry Seib says this feels like the end of a...
Listening to the family members of those who were mercilessly killed in the Charleston church was an opportunity to witness some of the best theology you'll see in your life. I only hope that if I am ever faced with a similar situation that I'll react half as well as those people did as they spoke...
Rick Phillips
Last evening I was greatly blessed, together with many members of the congregation I serve, to participate in a prayer vigil for the nine victims of the racist attack on Emmanuel AME in Charleston. The service was held at Allen Temple AME Church about a half mile from our church in Greenville, SC...
Most evangelical presentations of the doctrine of Scripture are implicitly trinitarian. They identify the Father as Scripture's primary author, the Son as Scripture's central subject matter, and the Spirit as the immediate agent of prophetic and apostolic inspiration. Scripture is God the Father...
Rick Phillips
Like so many Christians, I thought of the terrible atrocity in Charleston during my time of prayer this morning. I asked the Lord for the grace needed by so many to bear the pain of such loss, and for mercy to reign in the place of anger and hate. It occurred to me that I ought to be especially...
The Westminster Conference will take place later this year, God willing, in central London at Regent Hall on Oxford Street. As usual, there are two days of lectures and discussion, Tuesday 8 th and Wednesday 9 th December. The outline for the two days is below, and the brochure can be downloaded to...
Calvin assumes that Abraham's divorce from his nephew Lot (Gen. 13.8-9) caused the eminent patriarch considerable pain. "There is no doubt," the Reformer writes, "that the wound inflicted by that separation was very severe, since he was obliged to send away one who was not less dear to him than his...
Rick Phillips
Many Christians live under the affliction of fearing that they have committed a special sin that places them in an unpardonable category. Despite their faith in Jesus, they have been led to believe that a certain prior action in their lives has effectively triggered a special clause that will keep...
1. The Ashgate Research Companion to John Owen's Theology is now available for about $20.00 (softcover). Go here and plug in this 50% off code: 50CNK15N For $20, this book is a steal. My copy just arrived on my door-step and the softcover is quite nice. Great editorial work on that book. 2. Rosaria...