From Al Mohler: For many years, Dr. George Tiller has represented the horrific reality of the abortion industry in this nation. Infamously known to the pro-life movement in America, Tiller was known as "Tiller the Killer" because of his well-known willingness to perform late-term abortions almost...
If you have read or are planning to read Humility by C.J. Mahaney (recommended) then you may also want to check out a study guide written by Michael Haykin that would make a great addition to your application of the book. Download the study guide free by clicking HERE .
Beginning this month "Why We Believe the Bible," a course taught by John Piper, is available on DVD. You can order it HERE .
American Christians love their fads and celebrities. The ascendency of Jon and Kate Gosselin are a perfect example. Evangelicals are largely responsible for the Gosselin's popularity. Admirably, the Gosselins refused "selective reduction" when they discovered that Kate was pregnant with sextuplets...
Westminster Seminary Bookstore is posting my book recommendations HERE . Just scroll to "non-denominational" on the "choose denomination" bar. For some reason it is not keyed to my name yet. Anyway it is still a work in progress but there's around 50 books so far.
Carl Trueman and David Garner recently interviewed Greg Beale. In the Fall of 2010 Dr. Beale will be coming to Westminster to teach New Testament. In the interview Dr. Beale comments on his theological heritage, his writings, postmodernism, the direction of biblical studies at WTS, and current...
Carl Trueman is Professor of Church History and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Westminster Seminary. He also has forgotten more about being attacked and criticized than most of us will ever know. Over at Ref21 Dr. Trueman, one of my favorite writers, addresses the web attacks he has received...
* Thanks to Riddleblog for the picture.
For many years Pravada was the primary propaganda tool of the Soviet Union. Now it is a cheerleader for Russian nationalism. It seems that Pravda has some observations about and scoldings for the U.S. It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is...
I remember a meeting several years ago with the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches. He told me that the old WCC slogan, "Doctrine Divides, Service Unites," had proven unworkable. "Actually," he said, "it's the other way around. Even when we reach agreement on the meaning of the...