You can download or listen to the last two Sunday's sermons by clicking HERE . The messages are parts 3 and 4 of our currrent series on Hebrews - "Prophet, Priest, & King" and "The Superiority of Christ."
I saw the following posted over at Tom Ascol's sight . Take the time to watch the video. It's worth it. If you have not seen this video of a talk given by Rachel Barkley then I encourage you to stop reading and watch it now. Rachel is a wife and mother who is dying of cancer. She talks about her...
The Praise Factory is producing some outstanding curriculum for children. The author is Connie Dever whose husband, Mark Dever is the pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C. Check out The Praise Factory HERE .
During my years in Wichita I had the blessing of serving as Gracia Burnham's pastor. Gracia was recently in Washington D.C. at the invitation of the Justice Department. In May 2001, Mrs. Burnham and her husband, Martin, missionaries for more than 15 years with New Tribes Mission in the Philippines...
Commenting in the New York Times on the controversy surrounding President Obama's appearance at Notre Dame University Sheryl Gay Stolberg writes: In nearly four months in office, President Obama has pursued a careful two-pronged strategy on abortion, enacting policies that secure a woman’s right to...
Finally! Definitive proof that humans evolved from lower speceis. You know that I would never question the words of scientists. The fossil of the lemur is proof positive of Darwinian evolution. How do we know? Because some scientists say so. And believe me, scientists never overplay their hand or...
Ray Ortlund has an excellent (and convicting) post on gossip. Gossip leaves a wide trail of devastation wherever and however it goes – word of mouth, email, blogging, YouTube. It erodes trust and destroys morale. It creates a social environment of suspicion where everyone must wonder what is being...
“I do think that there is a hunger in the land for a vision of confessional Christianity that is robust, God-centered, tough-minded, able to address today and tomorrow and the next day, and comprehensive.” - D.A. Carson From an interview in Christianity Today .
Does anyone think any members of congress are going to be driving one of these?
Russ Douthat has written an excellent piece for the New York Tmes entitled "Dan Brown's America." In the Brownian worldview, all religions — even Roman Catholicism — have the potential to be wonderful, so long as we can get over the idea that any one of them might be particularly true. It’s a...