Check out this helpful website from Westminster Theological Seminary.
Over at Green Baggins (one the best blogs on the web) is having a very helpful discussion on the issue of inerrancy. Check it our HERE . Pay special attention to the comments by Rick Phillips . Pastor Phillips is one of my favorite preachers. His books are terrific as well. Also, check out this...
Does it surprise anyone that the following words from an AP article have not gotten much play? Experts not connected with the discovery said the finding was remarkably complete because of features like stomach contents. But they questioned the conclusions of Hurum and his colleagues about how...
This is my third post on the remarkable fossil of the lemur named "Ida." My original post lampooned the breathless excitement and characteristic overstatements from some within the scientific community. I believed then and believe now that those statements deserved lampooning. Just to refresh your...
The bookstore at Westminster Theological Seminary has begun posting my book recommendations. If you are interested then click on the Westminster Bookstore link at the right side of this blog and click on "Highest Rated". From there click on any of the books and then on the "pastor/elder review"...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O68MByaMVdM&hl=en&fs=1]
Is the Bible a guidebook for successful living or a personal guide to fulfillment? Perhaps the Bible is God's little rule book. The guys over at the White Horse Inn help us understand that Scripture is to be read first and foremost as God's story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Check out the...
Kevin Deyoung's post on Memorial Day is, I believe, worth reproducing: It is always tricky to know how the church should or shouldn’t celebrate patriotic holidays. Certainly, some churches blend church and state in such a way that the kingdom of God morphs into a doctrinally-thin, spiritually...
There is another good post at Green Baggins on inerrancy. Check it out HERE .
Last Sunday is recognized by the church as Ascension Sunday. You can listen to or download Sunday's sermon "Taken Up To Heaven" HERE .