First we were told that America is not a Christian nation. Now, there is a sense in which I agree. Certainly we are a majority Christian nation and our laws and national identity were shaped through the lens of a basically Christian worldview. But in a strict sense the U.S. is not a Christian...
I spotted THIS over at Riddleblog . Enjoy!
In Romans 16 the apostle Paul warns against those preachers who use "smooth talk and flattery" to deceive God's people. Often times these flattering preachers were motivated by a desire to enrich themselves. Little has changed. The health, wealth, and prosperity preachers of our day (Copeland,...
You can listen to or download Sunday's sermon "Do What You Did at First" by clicking HERE . It was Vision Day at COS. What a great day we had! We were blessed by a report from our Thailand team, the commissioning of our summer mission teams, and a moving testimony from one who has recently come to...
David Garner of Westminster Seminary has written a very thoughtful article on blogging. He opens with a purposefully tongue-in-cheek assurance that blogging is not in and of itself a sin. But he also points out that " Real Christians really blog, but sad to say, much of this blogging doesn ’t look...
Phil Johnson over at Pyromaniacs has made many a compelling argument against the trend in some evangelical circles toward scatological language and graphic discussion of sex from the pulpit. I have posted on this trend in the past. Johnson writes: Today I'll be in the studio with John MacArthur,...
The Chicago Tribune ran an article by Al Mohler on the murder of George Tiller in Wichita. Mohler addresses the moral reasoning of those who would use violence to dispatch an abortionist. Mohler writes: The murder of Dr. Tiller was a grotesque denial of the sanctity of human life. This is not a...
Kevin DeYoung's new book "Just Do Something" is getting some outstanding reviews. With all the novel approaches in the church to "finding God's will" a truly good book on the subject is needful. Dan Phillips over at Pyromaniacs has posted a review: DeYoung sounds a Biblical wake-up-grow-up-and-get-...
In a speech at the Planned Parenthood Federation of America Awards Gala, Hillary Clinton said: "I want to assure you that reproductive rights… will be a key to the foreign policy of this Administration… I was very proud when President Obama repealed the Mexico City policy. (Applause.) As a result,...
The Spring 2009 issue of The Westminster Theological Journal includes some excellent articles on the issues of biblical inerrancy and interpretation. Of particular interest is the interaction between Bruce Waltke and Pete Enns. Dr. Waltke critiques Dr. Enns' book Inspiration and Incarnation . Enns...