http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f8/1155201977 From Sam Youngman at The Hill : Even as he conceded there is still much hard work to do, President Obama was in a boastful mood Wednesday night, telling a star-studded crowd at a fundraising dinner that he "would put these first four...
Robert George of Princeton University recently debated Douglas Kmiec, a pro-life supporter of President Obama. Public Discource , one of my favorite sites, reproduced Professor George's opening statement: Professor Kmiec and I share common ground in the belief that every member of the human family—...
"A bruised reed he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out." - Isaiah 42:3 We all know what it is like to feel like a bruised reed and a smouldering wick. They are both images of weakness. Relationships, work, loss, and pain can all sap our strength and rob us of joy. It is in...
An English translation of Pierre Marcel's "In God's School" is now available. It is based upon the Heidelberg Catechism and is a wonderful tool for teaching the Christian faith. But make no mistake. "In God's School" will benefit new and mature believers, young and old. This is theology done well...
To preach is a fearful privilege. It's a privilege because of the honor to proclaim God's Word to God's people. It's a privilege because of the opportunity for in-depth study every week. But preaching is fearful because of the risk of getting it wrong. Also, it is fearful because of the pontential...
Beginning in the Fall of 201o Dr. G.K. Beale will leave his post as Chair of Biblical Studies at Wheaton to become Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. This is great news for WTS which has experienced some controversy over the issue of inerrancy for...
This morning the well known late-term abortionist George Tiller was shot to deat at his church in Wichita, Kansas. Here's the story from The Wichita Eagle: George Tiller, the Wichita doctor who became a national lightning rod in the debate over abortion, was shot to death this morning as he walked...
“Having absorbed the world’s values, Christianity in our society is now dying. Subtly but surely worldliness and self-indulgence are eating away the heart of the church. The gospel we proclaim is so convoluted that it offers believing in Christ as nothing more than a means to contentment and...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A98_3aCiT_A&hl=en&fs=1]
You can listen to or download Sunday's sermon "Pentecost: Babel Undone" by clicking HERE .