It's good to know that there are still some role models in sports. Update: Great cover article in Sports Illustrated on Tim Tebow.
Some worthwhile articles from Carl Trueman at The Sola Panel on the importance of church history: 1. The Theological Importance of Criminal Profiling 2. Sticking It to the Man 3. Learning from the Pretenders
As some of you know the Episcopal Church USA has taken serious steps toward fully embracing homosexuality (see HERE ). This of course is nothing new for this denomination. The ordination to bishop of openly homosexual Eugene Robinson. Interestingly, but not surprisingly the denominations that are...
I'm looking forward to the 2009 Preaching Conference at Westminster Theological Seminary. You can download the brochure HERE . There is a great line up of speakers including Derek Thomas and Carl Trueman.
Dr. Jim Hamilton of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has written a helpful article explaining what he calls "the evangelical view of Scripture." Read it HERE .
I saw the following video of Ed Welch over at Justin Taylor's site . I highly recommend the book "Depression: A Stubborn Darkness." It is perhaps the most helpful and biblical thing I have read on the topic.
In the history of God's people it has been a necessary practice to identify false teaching and, yes, those who are responsible for it. It seems however that all too often the effite American church has a distaste for hurting the feelings of false teachers. But when the shepherds of God's people do...
Mark Galli has a great article on gay marriage at Christianity Today . ‘Evangelicals are sensitive to this reality, but are less aware of how much we proactively participate in the culture of individualism. While stopping short of abortion, we have not given much thought to our easy acceptance of...
Yesterday I posted a link to the book "Beyond the Bounds" in reference to a larger point I was trying to make briefly on the necessity of polemics. Polemics is the practice of proclaiming the truth with reference to specific errors. The Scriptures frequently engage in polemics. We find polemic in...
"We all hear things we don't like said about people and causes that we are fond of but in the changed social atmosphere we are being encouraged to give public notice if such language offends us. I am now being repeatedly told that I am entitled not to be offended. So--from now on--not offended is...