[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7_dZTrjw9I&hl=en&fs=1&]
Today, July 10, 2009 marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin. Allow me to suggest a little reading to mark the occassion: The Institutes of the Christian Religion - Simply the most beautiful, the finest, and most important theological text ever written outside the Holy Spirit's...
Kevin Deyoung has posted some great thoughts on what we can learn from John Calvin about being relevant. Since the contemporary American church has been obsessed with relevance for some time now it would be good reflect on DeYoung's words. Whatever lasting impact John Calvin has had on the church...
From Tim Challies : On September 28, 2008, I was shocked to read these words on the blog of Terry Stauffer , a man I had met at a couple of conferences and who has long been a reader and commenter at my blog: “Last night at about 4:45 our precious 14 year-old daughter Emily was attacked and killed...
Check out THIS edition of the Albert Mohler radio program.
Check out THIS Audio of Al Mohler on John Calvin as a preacher and teacher.
That we approach God in the name and by the merit of Jesus is good news for sinners. As for me, a cheif among sinners it is profoundly good news. I have no merits to plead. My name is wholly unimpressive. Even my best works bear the stink of selfish motives. If not for the active obedience, atoning...
Monergism is offering free shipping for orders of $25 or more during the month of July.
I saw this posted over at Provocations and Panting : " Jonathan Dodson , pastor of Austin City Life , recently announced that he has completed his new booklet, “Fight Club: Gospel-Centered Discipleship” which will be e-published for free first The Resurgence , with a print on demand option. Dodson...
First Things is one of my favorite magazines. It is conservative and, yes, Catholic. Joseph Bottum, editor of First Things offers a helpful analysis of Pope Benedict's new encyclical on economic and social justice. "Carnitas in Veritate" has been causing quite a stir. It is even being discussed...