Over at IX Marks Mark Dever interviews Ken Myers about Christians and culture. It's worth a listen ( HERE ).
Check out this episode of the White Horse Inn . The guys discuss the centrality of "God's story" in our evangelism.
I'm really enjoying Bernard Cornwell's "The Winter King" which is volume one in a this-worldly retelling of the Arthur legend. Cornwell does historical fiction right.
A new book for children by Sinclair Ferguson is due out in September. All of Ferguson's books are well worth reading. One of the things I appreciate is that he writes for the academy, the laity, and children. This new book, I am sure, will be worth having. Publisher's info: Before the dawn of time...
If you are not familiar with Sojourn Music then do yourself a favor and check them out HERE . The folks at Sojourn Music are committed to preserving for a new generation the great hymns of the Christian faith. Their new CD is entitled "Over The Grave" and is dedicated to the hymns of Isaac Watts.
It is almost impossible to avoid the issue of politics completely. In fact I don't know anyone who has no opinions about politics and politicians. It is no easy task for a preacher to hide completely his political opinions. While I am disgusted with the use of the pulpit to advance any politician...
Back in May I connected to a truly moving blogsite from a young wife and mother who had been diagnosed with cancer and whose prospects for survival were very low. On July 2nd Rachel Barkey met her Lord. One of the things you learn as you read Rachel's blog is the importance of having a robust, God-...
The more shallow a culture, the more trivial are its objects of worship. Ours is a culture that worships celebrity. The onslaught of reality TV has awakended the possibility that I too can be famous. As Nicole Kidman's character in To Die For said, "Being on TV makes you a better person." The Paris...
Carl Trueman has written a predictably insightful post over at Ref21 on the ease with which our feelings are hurt in the process of debating important issues. Years ago, I tried (and by general consent failed) to develop as my party trick an impersonation of the Hollywood actor, Christopher Walken...
Martin Downes over at Against Heresies posted a link to a helpful response from Douglas Kelley to the book "The Openness of God." Dr. Kelly writes: The reason the five authors of The Openness of God deny the infinitude of nearly all the attributes of God is their failure to have heard what Hilary (...