The U.S. a Muslim Nation?

First we were told that America is not a Christian nation.

Now, there is a sense in which I agree. Certainly we are a majority Christian nation and our laws and national identity were shaped through the lens of a basically Christian worldview. But in a strict sense the U.S. is not a Christian nation (nor is any nation for that matter). Under the Old Covenant Israel was God's nation, God's people in anticipation of a people who would be formed by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ. God's people are citizens of another country, a better city with foundations whose architect and builder is God. That said, the vast majority of Americans identify themselves as Christian. So I suppose that while demographically, the U.S. is a Christian nation, theologically this is not the case.

Now Muslim nations are being told that America is one of the world's largest Muslim nations.

I must admit that language begins to fail me. Indeed, coherant thought begins to fail me at this point. First of all it's patently false from a numeric point of view. The U.S. has fewer than 1% of the world's Muslims. Secondly, the culture of the U.S. is far from Islamic. So I am left wondering why go to Saudi Arabia and make such comments? This is not a rhetorical question. I genuinely want to know. If anyone can provide an answer without tooth or claw then I would love to hear it.