One of the key doctrines generally rejected by adherents to Federal Vision theology, New Perspective on Paul, and various emergent types is the imputation of Christ's righteousness to believers. Dr. James McGoldrick of Greenville Presbyterian Seminary addresses the meaning and necessity of this...
The Christian Science Monitor recently ran an article that has been getting some attention throughout the blogosphere. It is about the renewed popularity of Calvinism. Of course, this is anything but a new story. Several years ago Christianity Today and many other publications noted the resurgence...
The speakers for Full Confidence at Church of the Saviour will be: Carl Trueman David Garner Lane Tipton John Currie
I recently reviewed Tom Schreiner's excellent Magnifying God in Christ for The Gospel Coalition . I have a simple rule of thumb when it comes to Thomas Schreiner: If he writes it, I read it. I have been sharpened by his commentaries on Romans and 1&2 Peter . His book on the doctrine of the...
Adam and Eve have been taking a bit of a beating from some well known scholars within the Reformed tradition. Tremper Longman made statements recently that allowed for the first couple to be mythical as has Pete Enns . Bruce Waltke, one of the world's great Old Testament scholars recently made...
From Al Mohler: The Christian faith is not a mere collection of doctrines — a bag of truths. Christianity is a comprehensive truth claim that encompasses every aspect of revealed doctrine, but is centered in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And, as the apostolic preaching makes clear, the Gospel is the...
From Russell Moore : On a Saturday long ago, our Lord Jesus was a corpse. This isn’t natural. Problem is, death seems normal to us. Darwinian naturalism, along with most contemporary philosophies, assumes that death is the natural ending point to life. The Christian gospel insists otherwise, seeing...
But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for fall have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn5-2nZR9AA&hl=en_US&fs=1&]
With the passage of "Obamacare" it is almost a certainty that those Americans who pay taxes will be forced to subsidize abortion. Only the most naive will conclude that the President's executive order will provide any protection for the tax payer. This raises serious questions about the nature of...