The mainstream media has been largely silent about the ongoing Muslim massacre of Christians in Nigeria. One notable exception has been an article in the NY Times by Adam Nossiter. Still it would be nice if the media were as outraged by the murder of Christians as they are by the mistreatment of...
It is not unusual for Christians to be familiar with the stories in the Bible but to miss what is most important in those stories. We hear messages like, "Dare to be a Daniel" and "Slaying the Giants in Your Life". Ironically, what is missed in the telling and preaching of those stories is God...
Check out the latest episode of the White Horse Inn HERE . Can we discover truth about God outside of the Bible, or is Scripture the only true source of heavenly knowledge? On this edition of the program the hosts will outline the distinction between general and special revelation. In the former,...
From Tom Schreiner's article A New Testament Perspective on Homosexuality : Even if some sins could be traced to our genetics, it would not exempt us from responsibility for such sins. The Scriptures teach that all human beings are born into this world as sons and daughters of Adam, and hence they...
Kevin DeYoung continues his series on the major passages of Scripture which call for justice. In this most recent post he deals with Jeremiah 22. Today I return to my series on social justice. As we look at the third of the seven passages we’ll see once again the Bible says more and less about...
The theme of the 2009 Ligonier West Coast Conference was "Is There Life After Death?" and featured such preachers and theologians as Alistair Begg, R.C. Sproul, and Michael Horton. Below are the videos of the message which Ligonier has graciously provided. •Alistair Begg, He Is Not There: The...
Christopher Hitchens is among the world's most famous atheists. What is not as well known in the U.S. is that his brother Peter is a successful journalist and, ironically, a Christian. An article written by Peter recounts his journey toward Christianity and the challenging relationship he shares...
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary held a panel discussion on Brian McLaren's newest book A New Kind of Christianity . The discussion was hosted by Al Mohler and featured several SBTS faculty members. Watch the video HERE . Listen to the audio HERE .
From an article by Dr. Vern Poythress entitled "How I Have Helped My Boys to Become Christian Men": Almost every culture in the world has something to mark the difference between a boy and a man. A boy goes through a "rite of passage," after which he becomes officially a man. The rite of passage...
Representative Bart Stupack (D-MI) has been leading an important fight to keep tax payers from being forced by the federal government to fund abortions. It is yet to be seen whether or not he and others will be successful. From National Review Online : Stupak notes that his negotiations with House...