[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi2DHuifVWk&hl=en_US&fs=1&]
Last Sunday I preached from Hebrews 11:7 which deals with the faith of Noah so I could not resist linking to this story .
The Gospel Coalition has posted some new book reviews . They have previously posted a review I wrote of Schreiner's Magnifying God in Christ . I am currently working on a review for TGC of J.I. Packer's Grounded in the Gospel with reviews of Entrusted with the Gospel (Kostenberger) and Marks of the...
Good post from Rick Phillips concerning an article in Christianity Today which offered an analysis and critique of Together for the Gospel: Once while worshiping at a church in Africa, I heard a woman preaching the health-and-wealth gospel. If that wasn't bad enough, she was preaching from the book...
Modern Reformation , my favorite journal, is focusing this year on the doctrine of Scripture. The White Horse Inn has also been focusing on Scripture. The latest program (like the March/April Modern Reformation ) focuses specifically on inspiration and inerrancy. Listen HERE . Some who believe that...
Most of us have seen it. The evangelical preacher appearing on Larry King Live who is asked the inevitable "gotcha" question: "Do you believe that everyone who does not believe in Jesus will go to hell?" There have been many cringe worthy responses over the years to that question. Kevin DeYoung has...
The Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology takes place in Philalphia this weekend. The theme is "These Last Days" and will feature speakers such as Sinclair Ferguson, Michael Horton, Rick Phillips, Ligon Duncan, Phil Ryken, and Cornelis Venema. If you cannot attend don't worry. You can watch...
The new edition of John MacArthur's Ashamed of the Gospel is now available at Monergism Books for less than $16.00. In the late 1800s, Charles Spurgeon warned that the church was drifting away from the purity of the gospel, candy-coating God’s Word rather than boldly proclaiming the truths of...
"At such a time, what should be done by those who love Christ? I think, my friends, that they should at least face the facts; I do not believe that they should bury their heads like ostriches in the sand; I do not think that they should soothe themselves with the minutes of the General Assembly or...
"And my heart aches for pastors these day, it really does, because it's seemingly more difficult now than it was in past years. We live in an anti-authority culture, we live in a culture that has lost all respect for people in positions of influence and authority. It tears down everybody, tears...