Easter Sunday's sermon was entitled "Do Not Be Afraid" and was based upon Matthew 28:1-10. You can listen to or download it HERE .
In the latest volume in his epic work on worship Hughes Oliphant Old includes an insightful article on the preaching of John MacArthur. His concluding paragraph moves me deeply. Why do so many people listen to MacArthur, this product of all the wrong schools? How can he pack out a church on Sunday...
Mark Jones has written a good piece on the recent controversy over statements made by Pete Enns' unsurprising and Bruce Waltke's rather surprising comments concerning evolution. Moreover, Jones offers some helpful thoughts on the effort to harmonize evolution and biblical faith. Those who refer to...
The International Cinephile Society has posted their picks for the top 100 movies of the 1990's . In at number one is "The Thin Red Line" which is pretty shocking to me since I would not have rated it in the top 50. Terrance Malick's WWII epic had some interesting moments but was, in my opinion, a...
I remember about ten years ago hearing for the first time from C.J. Mahaney a vision for the Christian life and the church that was "Gospel-centered." It was like a conversion experience for me. I knew that I would never think of the church and Christianity in the same way ever again. About that...
There is a new development in the dust-up over Bruce Waltke's statements regarding evolution HERE . Also, for those of you who have been following the controversy of John Piper's invitation to Rick Warren to speak at the Desiring God National Conference, Phil Johnson and Trevin Wax offer some...
Anthony Bradley has a good piece in the latest issue of World entitled "Calling" vs. choice" in which he challenges the ease with which contemporary Christians spiritualize the choices they make. Here’s the bottom line: the Bible simply does not generally use “calling” to justify everyday choices...
Sunday's message was part 31 in our current series through the book of Hebrews. It is entitled "Faith and Justification" and is based on Hebrews 11:4. You can listen to or download it HERE .
The blogosphere has been set ablaze since the resignation of Bruce Waltke from Reformed Theological Seminary. Dr. Waltke, an Old Testament scholar for whom I have a great deal of respect made a regretable video for Biologos, an organization which seeks to advance the theory of evolution among...