In the past, Stephen Hawking has been rather ambiguous about his thoughts regarding the existence of God. However, in his newest book The Grand Design , Hawking states explicitly that there is simply no need for God in the universe. That is, there is nothing in the universe that requires the mind...
Starr Meade has a proven track record of writing outstanding material for young readers. Her newest volumes are companions: God's Mighty Acts in Creation and God's Mighty Acts in Salvation. PDF Sample pages of God's Mighty Acts in Creation PDF Sample pages of God's Mighty Acts in Salvation...
It is extraordinary how a little church in Florida can gain the attention of the world with an old fashioned bonfire. When I was kid my Friday evenings were busy with the burning of KISS albums. People thought it was weird but the President never weighed in. Maybe in this case it is the sheer act...
From an article by Robert Godfrey: To evaluate worship properly, you need to begin with yourself. You need self-evaluation. You need to ask the following of yourself: How much do I know about what the Bible says about worship? Who can help me learn more about biblical worship? Do I want above all...
This week Greg Beale , Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary preached the opening convocation message. Give it a listen HERE . HT: Carl Trueman
Last Sunday was Church of the Saviour's annual Celebration Sunday which is a glimpse into some of the encouraging ways God is blessing us. The sermon was taken from 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 and is entitled "Worth Celebrating." You can listen to or download it HERE .
Good stuff from Carl Trueman's latest post at Ref21 : Here is a striking quotation from G K Chesterton, writing in the context of a discussion of Aquinas's criticism of the slippery medieval theologian/philosopher, Siger of Brabant: "It is a fact that falsehood is never so false as when it is very...
If you are not familiar with David Helm then you should be. He is one of my favorite preachers and has also written The Big Picture Story Bible . "As someone who tries (and succeeds, most of the time) to establish a regular pattern of family worship at the dinner table, I am always on the lookout...
In his newest book, The Grand Design , Stephen Hawking finally clears up all the confusion over the existence of God. Well, actually his program is not quite so grand. Hawking concludes that the universe simply does not need God. But what Hawking proves in The Grand Design is that some scientists...