Thanks to my church family for letting me get away with my wife for a few days. We spent the weekend on Martha's Vineyard. The occasion was our 20th anniversary. Actually our anniversary is not until the end of the month but that is when summer rates kick in on Martha's Vineyard. Anyway, we stayed...
http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=11501569&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1 "Sunday's Coming" Movie Trailer from North Point Media on Vimeo ...
Over at the Gospel Coalition James Grant has written a very helfpul piece on intruducing contemporary congregations to the richness of Christian hymnody . I occasionally get questions about introducing hymns to congregations that do not sing them. Should a pastor introduce old hymns? And if so, how...
“In order to grow in Christlikeness, we’ve got to intentionally apply the gospel to everything we are and everything we long to do. We’re not to sever our obedience from [Christ's] perfect sinlessness nor disconnect our mortal life from his resurrected life. We’ve got to understand ourselves in the...
"The 20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors"
There is fresh enthusiasm surrounding the Shroud of Turin as it is on public display for the first time since 2000. As the Church of Rome's most noteworthy relic, the Shroud always gathers a lot of attention and has been hotly debated for generations. But the Shroud raises some serious questions...
Ref21 has posted an excerpt from a book published last year by IVP UK entitled Should Christians Embrace Evolution . Fortunately, our friends at P&R have obtained rights to publish this book for the US market and will be releasing it this year. One of the contributors, Michael Reeves, addresses...
David Gordon's soon to be released book Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns promises to be an important contribution to our thinking about the church's worship. Gordon's book on preaching, Why Johnny Can't Preach is one of the better books on the subject I have read in a long time. From the publisher:...
A new book by Stephen Nichols and Ned Bustard looks like it will be a great tool for parents to teach church history to their kids. The Church History ABCs: Augustine and 25 Other Heroes of the Faith is due to be released next month. One great feature is the website that accompanines this book...