Paul Tripp's outstanding book on marriage, What Did You Expect? is now available.
Ligonier has posted the audio from their 2010 "Christless Christianity" Conference. On March 26-27, 2010, in Los Angeles, Calif., Michael Horton, Peter Jones, John MacArthur, and R.C. Sproul joined together to examine many of the popular misunderstandings of the gospel in our day as countless...
"Westminster's conviction is that this revealed, self-attesting Word of God must ground and shape all human thought, and that this Word, centered on Jesus Christ the Eternal and Incarnate Word, bears absolute authority in defining, understanding and defending all issues of life in a changing world...
It seems that everyone has named "biblical illiteracy" as one of the gravest problems facing the church. But is anything being done about it? Collin Hansen has written a sobering but hopeful article in the latest issue of CT . Perhaps the first step toward improved Bible literacy is admitting we...
Last Sunday's message was part 36 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Faith Seeking a Home" and is taken from Hebrews 11:13-16. You can listen to or download it HERE .
TGCReviews has posted my review of J.I. Packer and Gary Parrett's Grounded in the Gospel: How to Build Believers the Old Fashioned Way . You can read it HERE .
The good folks at Desiring God will be hosting a live Q&A with our friend Paul Tripp Wednesday evening (the 26th) at 7:00 central time.
I was reminded of the following excellent article by Carl Trueman from a mention on the WTS website. It is included in his book The Wages of Spin . Anyway, each time I read "What Can Miserable Christians Sing?" I am reminded of how impoverished the corporate worship has become in much of...
Today marks 20 years of marriage to my excellent wife. I am thankful that she has stood by me for two decades in life and vocational ministry. What is more, she has hung in there during much needed maturing on my part. I never realized how messed up I was until I got married. Anyway, after 20 years...